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scalp micropigmentation

Natural Propecia Alternative

If you have done any research on your hair loss, you may have heard or even been prescribed natural Propecia (Generic name – Finasteride), an FDA-approved Type II- Alpha Reductant.

It is known to prevent the body’s Testosterone from converting to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

DHT has been linked to hair loss by blocking blood flow to the hair follicle.

Propecia Side effects

Unfortunately, with any medication, there are side effects, and Finasteride is no exception. Finasteride works by altering the body’s hormones, which can lead to sexual and other side effects (Finasteride (Oral Route) Side Effects – Mayo Clinic)

If you have already experienced side effects from Finasteride or are unwilling to take the medication, there are some alternatives you may want to try.  One of those alternatives is the natural supplement sold at your local drugstore, Saw Palmetto.

Although not an FDA-approved medication, it has been shown that an extract of Saw Palmetto berries may block 5-Alpha Reductase, which is an enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT.

Propecia Alternative

There is no concrete evidence that this is a viable substitute for Finasteride but it may be worth a try if you do not want to take finasteride or if you have experienced side effects from the medication.  But if you are wary of Propecia side effects, you may want to take the safer route. Get in touch with Phoenix SMP experts at DermiMatch Clinic.


Joey lawrence Hair Loss

From what I can tell, Joey Lawrence has done just about everything under the sun to hide his hair loss. 

Joey is seen on a talk show stating that he doesn’t have any hair loss but that he just chooses to shave his head. For whatever personal reasons he is still not open about balding and what he’s done to combat it. 

Here are the things I think Joey has done to hide his hair loss. If you look over the years, Joey has shaved his head and also grown his hair back years later. With his head shaved down you can still see it looks as though he has a full head of shaved down hair. It’s apparent to me that Joey has had Scalp Micropigmentation done. The artist that did the work did a great job however, this is what I think Joey’s answer to his hair loss consisted of until he obtained hair transplants. I Think Joey has had multiple FUE transplants and I would bet he has also used body hair to obtain more grafts by looking at the texture of his hair. 

SMP in combination with hair transplants can be a great combination and I think Joey is a good example of combining these two options. 

For any SMP questions, take a look at located in Scottsdale, AZ. 


Trichophytic Closure

Trichophytic closure is a surgical incision closing technique that is designed to allow hair to grow through the incision. This is a great technique for scars from surgery on the scalp where you would want to minimize the appearance of a scar. 

Trichophytic closure is something you may want to ask your hair transplant doctor about. Some doctors do not feel comfortable performing this closure or feel it does not yield the best results. 

I had to request my doctor to perform this closure which he attempted to talk me out of; I insisted. I will tell you the results were 90% better than closing the scar without. That being said, I did make sure of my doctor’s resume in which he was a plastic surgeon before moving into hair transplants. If a doctor does not have the experience or feels uncomfortable with this closure, you should find another doctor. 

Best hair transplant closures in my opinion are done by doctors that understand tension and reduce scar tissue. To reduce the tension on the outer skin layer your surgeon should utilize dissolving stitches and close internally to allow the internal stitches to hold the tension. The outer stitches should close the outer layer using very little tension. (Almost just resting the two portions of skin together).

SMP is a great way to enhance this closure and camouflage your hair transplant scar. in Scottsdale Arizona. 


Free Scar Revision Before SMP

Scalp Micropigmentation is a great way to camouflage hair transplant scars; however there are always limitations to what can be achieved. SMP can not change a scars texture or size so there are other options you need to consider in conjunction to SMP. 

Many people are shocked that you may be able to get a free scar revision. Many hair transplant doctors will revise a scar for past clients; so, if you received a hair transplant you can go back to that same clinic and have a revision at no charge. This is amazing knews that many people do not know about. The only bad side is that if you don’t like your doctor or trust their work; you may be stuck paying for a different clinic to perform your revision. 

Check with the clinic or doctor who performed your transplant and ask if they can revise the scar. I would also request that the surgeon perform a Trichophytic closure if possible. I will be making a separate article regarding this closure technique. 

Obtaining the best results and healthy tissue via scar revision before SMP may yield you a much better outcome in the end. 

Contact on Scottsdale AZ for all SMP questions.


Turning Gray With SMP

What happens five to ten years down the road if I turn gray? I am asked this question in just about every consultation I have with a potential client.  

The answer may vary depending on how dense and dark you request your SMP. Typically, the density and shade will be determined by your natural existing hair that the artist will match to. 

The main thing to understand is that hair shaved down in a majority of people leaves a shadow of gray. If your hair is brown, black, blond, red, etc. Once shaved, it leaves a gray shadow. The importance of this lies within the SMP pigments. Most SMP is performed with carbon black pigments that are diluted to be shades of gray when healed in the skin. Your SMP artist will add distilled water to the pigment to make the gray shade darker or lighter to match your existing hair. Some SMP pigments are warmed with warming colors added however the same principle remains. 

A small majority of clients with blonde, white or red hair may almost look bald on the sides when their natural hair is shaved down. This is actually not an issue because this transparent look isn’t going to change by the hair going gray; it will still remain transparent. Meaning, your smp will likely match and blend from the start. 

In conclusion, the SMP pigments used, heal in shades of gray already and with a shaved head the color of your hair is already leaving a shade of gray. Your hair turning gray over time may lighten this shadow, however your smp will also have been lighting up over this time as well.  

For those that do have a blending issue due to color years down the road; it’s important to know that SMP is typically removed with one laser session. 

For more information regarding SMP, please visit located in Scottsdale Arizona and  feel free to give us a call or book a consultation. 


Elon Musk Hair Transplant Scars

Elon Musk is sporting a modern hipster style haircut these days and has shaved the sides of his head while leaving the top long and slicked back. 

It’s no secret Elon has done something to regain his hair as there are many pictures in his younger years with noticeable hair loss. Many folks that are in the hair loss space have known Musk likely had transplants to correct this as he now has a great full head of hair. 

Elon’s transplant results look incredible and during a recent interview; sporting his new hair style, two visible strip scars are clear as days. This is evidence that Elon has had at least two transplants however, it’s likely he has had 3 or more given the two scar sites. 

It’s very possible Elon is sporting this hairstyle to receive another transplant by FUE as the sides of his haid would need to be shaved down in most cases.

Regardless; he has exceptional results and can enjoy his youthful look. Elon may consider FUE and Scalp Micropigmentation to help camouflage these scars which would allow him to sport his shaved sides without the scar being so noticeable.  

If you have hair transplant scars please reach out to us at in Scottsdale Arizona. 


Scalp Micropigmentation 2nd Session

If you have done any research into SMP, you have likely seen providers showing before and afters or even wash sessions progression. 

Any time we see this on a provider’s social media, everything seems perfect and easy going. 

Realistically, there are typically challenges throughout the treatment of many clients. These challenges aren’t anything out of the ordinary but they do require the artist to adjust and make subtle changes in their technique.

The second session is typically the most informative to the artist. This shows how well the pigment stayed in the skin, how well things heeled, does the artist need to use darker or lighter ink, etc. 

Many times clients are concerned as the 1st treatment heals because parts fade, it looks dotty, the impressions might be too large, etc.

This is all common and the client should be prepared for this in advance. You must explain that every person’s body is different and the blending and sessions must be completed to see the final results. 

 One tool an artist can use is completion correction to help with any impressions that have healed too bold or big. This pigment is a thick skin tone pigment that will work as a cover solution and helps with the blending process. 

Completion Correction can be found at Dermimatch clinic is located in Scottsdale, AZ 


Scalp Micropigmentation In Different Lighting

Lighting plays a big role in how we see results on any given client. Providers will also use lighting to obtain the best before and after photos for marketing. 

It’s important to understand that this is natural and a fully shaved head will appear darker or lighter depending on lighting. 

Example: You’re in a dimmed bar meeting a date for the 1st time, it’s likely you will have a much more prominent SMP shadow vs. meeting at the beach where your head is reflecting the direct sunlight causing the results to look much more subtle. 

Some clients may ask why they took a picture at the pool and they look completely bald. They may even suggest going darker with their SMP. As an artist you need to be able to educate your client on the lighting effects and why “more is not better”. You don’t want a Lego head. 

One way to address the reflection to achieve more of a shadow effect in bright lighting is to use a matting product. This helps reduce shine on the head and advances the overall realistic look of SMP. 

Check out Zero Shine at 

This product is designed to last for 12+ hours and maintain its effects in water or while sweating. 

Dermimatch is located in Scottsdale, AZ. 


Laser Off – Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)

With so many people wanting to learn Scalp Micro pigmentation due to high income potential and relatively low cost to start up in the industry; the need for SMP correction has never been more prevalent. Unfortunately, many folks looking to get into the business are going through short training courses lasting 2-3 days typically. Some of these courses are 100% online which means the student gets zero experience on real skin. For the folks going to an in person training course; they are typically getting to practice on a human model however, they are not seeing their heeled results a week out making the training much less useful.

Luckily there are a few options to either fix the bad SMP or have it lasered off completely. Some options other than laser would be a saline solution, a diluted lactic acid or acid base or a complexion correction pigment needled into the bad SMP impressions. These options are limited and should only be used to correct some bad impressions and not for correcting a whole head of bad SMP work.

Laser is the best and cleanest option for getting rid of bad SMP. If the SMP was done with carbon pigment as most SMP is and the artist did not go too deep; SMP can typically be removed in one laser session as opposed to a traditional tattoo. This is because a tattoo is applied into deeper layers of the skin while SMP should be applied much shallower. Plan for two laser sessions to make sure all the impressions and dark spots are removed fully.

When looking for a SMP artist, do your research and also make sure they have apprenticed with someone for a decent amount of time instead of just completing a 3 day course. There is no substitution for working on real clients and seeing the progression and healed results. 

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Top Hair Loss Solution

If you are dealing with too much hair loss, there could be several reasons behind that. Unless you unlock the cause, you cannot get rid of it, right? You must have heard claims of coconut oil being the best hair loss solution available. Is it really effective as a treatment for hair loss, alopecia, receding hairline, and thinning hair? Well, coconut oil does help supply some nutrients to the scalp, since it is rich in good fatty acids. But it takes a lot of time to show results. Moreover, the results do not show up in every case, depending on the type of hair loss you are experiencing. Health scientists have too many reasons to dispute the effectiveness of coconut oil for hair. So what is the solution then? Well, if you seek a permanent cure for hair loss, then forget everything else and choose scalp micropigmentation in Phoenix Arizona.

What Does Research Say on Coconut Oil as Hair Loss Solution

While research does find proof that coconut oil can reduce the effects of protein loss in hair, there’s still doubt on the effectiveness of coconut oil on preventing male pattern baldness resulting from DHT.

One 2003 study found that coconut oil helps maintain protein levels in hair. You might be surprised to learn that frequent application of styling chemicals, over-brushing, and too much exposure to sunlight and wind might result in the loss of hair protein. No doubt, coconut oil is better than sunflower oil and safflower oil for hair loss. Coconut oil performs better than these two oils in terms of hair loss prevention.

While coconut oil can replenish your hair follicles, it is not a one-cure for hair loss. Its effectiveness might vary from person to person, depending on the extent and type of hair loss. If you are impressed with the claims of coconut oil for hair loss, you may want to use shampoos and hair care products that are formulated with coconut milk and oil. It not only smells good but also makes your hair feel soft and shiny. The best part is coconut oil as a hair loss solution is safe to use and does not cause any side effects.

But it takes time to show up results. If you are fighting serious hair loss in the form of thinning hair, alopecia areta, receding hairline, you may not want to wait for months or years for coconut oil to cover those visible signs of hair loss, which are ruining your looks and personality.

Bottom line

If you observe too much thinning of hair or fast receding hairline, you want to choose a quick-fix solution and not wait endlessly for results. Coconut oil may or may not help your hair loss problem. So instead of waiting for results that might not even show up, it is better to choose a permanent hair restoration solution.

Scalp micropigmentation in Phoenix Arizona gives you a permanent solution to hair loss. SMP helps recreate the look of hair follicles with the help of microneedles to implant matching pigment into the scalp. The best thing about SMP for hair loss is that it gives you a near-natural look so nobody can say you have undergone a hair loss procedure.