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scalp micropigmentation

Is Sudden Weight Loss and Hair Loss Connected?

You were conscious of your figure and wanted to lose excess weight. But now your dream of a sexy figure has transpired, thanks to sudden weight loss. but to your surprise, there is sudden hair loss as well. Now you are wondering if sudden weight loss and hair loss are connected.

Weight loss and hair loss: what’s the connection

If you are looking for a straight answer, then it is no. but if you want to explore facts and understand whether there is an indirect connection between both, read further. Although not all weight loss results in hair loss, there is some indirect link between both. This includes:

  • Low protein diet
  • Restrictive and crash diets
  • Weight loss surgery

Your diet matters

When you see someone with lush healthy hair, it is almost certain that their diet is nutrient-dense. On the other hand, nutritional deficiencies can trigger hair loss so can eating a lot of certain vitamins. Some vitamin overdoses can cause toxicity.

If you suddenly change your diet and switch to a restrictive or crash diet, then your hair will suffer simultaneously due to nutritional deficiencies. Unless your changed diet includes protein, zinc, fatty acids, and iron, your hair health is more likely to suffer. According to a 2015 study, iron deficiency was the number one factor for hair loss among women subjects.

In fact, low-calorie crash diets can cause psychological stress, resulting in extreme hair loss.

Low protein intake

Amino acids are essential for the overall health of the body as they help in the production of keratin. Even research finds a connection between amino acid deficiency and hair loss. according to a study conducted in 2017, many subjects with hair loss were found to be deficient in leucine and histidine amino acids. By adding more protein to your diet, you can take care of amino acid deficiencies and thus stem hair fall caused due to its deficiency.

Weight loss surgery

If anyone has undergone gastro surgery, they may have low levels of vitamins, minerals, and protein as their body cannot absorb nutrients. As a result of nutritional deficiency, they may experience hair loss. Research reports that people with a sleeve gastrectomy may experience hair loss due to a deficiency of vitamin B12 and zinc. This type of hair loss may last as long as the patient is recovering from surgery. it may take 5-6 months or longer for a full recovery.

How is weight loss and hair loss connected?

Well, sudden weight loss can affect your hair health. The reason is pretty simple – the unavailability of nutrients. For healthy hair growth, adequate nourishment is required. It includes a balanced caloric intake.

When you lose weight rapidly, you drain the body of protein, iron, minerals, and other dietary supplements. As a result, the hair is deprived of nutrition and eventually starts to thin out.

By restoring your nutritional requirements, you can still overcome hair loss problems to some extent, though this won’t happen overnight.

If you are restless and cannot wait for months for your hair glory to return, look for alternative therapies that can help revive your personality. Scalp micropigmentation is one such hair restoration treatment that camouflages your damaged hair and gives you a youthful appearance.

SMP in Arizona Advantage

Yes, Arizona SMP technicians at DermiMatch Clinic are well-trained and experienced in handling hair loss cases due to sudden weight loss. if you, too, think your weight loss and hair loss are linked, get in touch with scalp experts today.

scalp micropigmentation

Is It Possible To Increase Hair Density?

So you dream of a Good Hair Day every day, right? You are in awe of the dense, bouncy hair of your friend. Perhaps, you, too, dream of caressing your fuller-looking hair. But is it possible to increase hair density? It might sound simple but increasing hair density isn’t that easy. To increase hair density, your goal is to improve the number of follicles because the more the number of follicles, the thicker and denser the hair. But how is that possible? Let’s explore.

What is Hair Density?

Hair density is measured as the amount of hair growing from each follicle. To the naked eye, a scalp with thick coverage of hair is considered dense. Hair density is a term used to describe the proximity of hair strands to each other. The closer the hair strands, the thicker the hair.

Low hair density means thin hair and a visible scalp. High density, on the other hand, means thick growth of hair.

How to improve hair density?

Your diet is important

Eating nutrient-dense food can nourish your body as well as your hair. If your diet lacks nourishment, you may lose hair or experience hair thinning. Each hair strand is a buildup of keratin. So eating a balanced diet can enrich and nourish your hair with required vitamins, minerals, and proteins.

When your diet is rich in nutrients, your hair feels nourished and you can expect good hair density.

Massage nourishes roots

Add gentle and relaxing scalp massage into your hair care regime. It will boost blood circulation, which is crucial for stronger roots and healthy hair. Add regular combing to your hair care routine to distribute natural oils to each root and protect hair from damage. When hair doesn’t fall as much as they are, you can expect dense growth.

Manage stress

Stress affects your hair adversely and thus hair density. Now that you know how stress can affect hair growth, focus on ways to stay calm. A relaxed mind ensures better growth and keeps hair looking healthy and lustrous. Sleep well, practice meditation, and exercise more to relieve and manage stress.

Choose the right hair care products

It’s crucial to add natural solutions to your hair care regime instead of opting for chemical treatments. You want to invest in a permanent hair restoration solution for thinning hair to increase hair density. It is here that you can choose scalp micropigmentation in Scottsdale. The procedure helps cover thinning areas or bald spots with pigmented dots that camouflage hair and scalp problems.

This includes hair loss, receding hairline, hair thinning, and bald patches. If your problem is hair thinning, Scottsdale scalp micropigmentation technicians can help. Look for experts who are skilled in SMP and know their craft well. Trust only experts in scalp micropigmentation as even tattoo artists are offering SMP services at many places. SMP hair density involves adding multiple simulated follicles to the upper dermis. The goal is to fill in the bald patches to mimic fuller, denser hair growth.

You can’t trust the job of SMP to a tattoo artist. Both SMP and body art are different. A tattoo artist can’t ensure the best solution to your scalp problem. Get in touch with DermiMatch SMP experts, who are experienced in scalp micropigmentation and have a proven track record of treating hair thinning problems.

scalp micropigmentation

Circular Hair Loss: What Is It?

Quite common among males, circular hair loss or clearly defined bald patches tell the tale of alopecia areata. Though hairless patches may be seen on any part of the body with hair, it becomes an eyesore when it becomes visible on the scalp. It begins with one area and may gradually expand into other parts. Bald patches are often the telltale signs.

Circular hair loss

Alopecia areata is the most common scientific name for circular hair loss among men and women. It was even known to Hippocrates. It has a long history, and the term first appeared centuries ago when foxes were affected by the condition.

What are the causes?

Alopecia areata is known as an autoimmune condition, where the immune system starts attacking its own hair follicles, considering them as foreign bodies. Its sole purpose is to destroy foreign elements. As a result, hair shedding starts, and the hair does not regrow in these patches. It is a genetic condition and could run in the family.

In some people, the hair never grows back, but in some people, there is still a possibility of hair growth. But in that case, it is likely to be very thin and white. You cannot expect the pigment to return.

Circular hair loss treatment

Unfortunately, there is still not much evidence to prove the science behind the sudden immune reaction against hair roots. As a result, it is the treatment for the same is tough. Some doctors choose to treat the condition with cortisone under the skin, though it may be risky if it is injected deeper.

Long-term treatment for circular hair loss

There’s no one solution to alopecia areata nor is there a guarantee that hair will grow back. A hair transplant is not the right treatment for circular hair loss, as the immune system will continue to attack hair roots, resulting in hair shedding.

The only long-term way to treat alopecia areata is to hide the bald patches with scalp micropigmentation. During the procedure, the SMP practitioner applies pigments to the bald area to create the appearance of fuller hair. The goal of scalp micropigmentation is to create a natural appearance so it looks realistic with a stylish close-shaven look. With SMP, people suffering from alopecia areata can get a confidence boost as the procedure is permanent and helps improve physical appearance by hiding thinning hair, bald patches, or a receding hairline.

Is SMP the Best Treatment

Scalp micropigmentation can even work as an excellent solution for scar camouflage.

When performed by a skilled scalp practitioner, SMP dots are of the same as the average size of human hair. It is an excellent solution for advanced hair loss. People with circular hair loss may see a positive change in their looks and appearance with professional scalp micropigmentation.  Getting help from a top scalp practitioner can solve your circular hair loss woes. Connect with the best Arizona scalp micropigmentation specialists at DermiMatch Clinic and restore your looks and self-confidence. The time to get help is now!

scalp micropigmentation

Non-Surgical Hair Loss Treatment Options

No, hair loss is not a welcome sight. For some, it can be devastating, from affecting your self-esteem and confidence to ruining your personality. Luckily, you can still find hair restoration options to overcome hair loss fear. If you are looking for non-surgical hair loss treatment options, then there are a few here, including

  • Natural treatment
  • Cosmetic treatment
  • Prescription treatment

Natural Non-surgical hair loss treatment options


Regularly massaging your scalp is a good way to improve blood circulation to the scalp. This in turn increases blood flow to your hair follicles and supplies them with essential nutrients for growth.

But massage may be helpful only in normal cases of hair loss. If your hair loss is genetic, you cannot expect massage to do the trick of hair growth.


No doubt, proper nutrition is crucial for the growth and development of the body. The same is true for your hair. Maintaining a healthy diet is crucial to preventing hair loss and stimulating the growth of hair. Focus on a diet rich in protein, including fish, egg, beans, and legumes, to increase protein intake. Additionally, you should strive to ensure that you are not deficient in folic acid, iron, B vitamins, vitamins A, C, and zinc. Try to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet to improve hair health.

Can a proper diet solve all hair loss problems?

Sadly, it cannot, especially if you are suffering from hair loss due to a medical condition, such as thyroid. Hair loss may also be triggered by certain medication side effects. Cancer treatment or chemotherapy can also cause severe hair loss.

Prescription treatments

Certain medications for hair loss are effective in stemming hair shedding. This includes Rogaine or Minoxidil, which can be rubbed directly on the scalp. The treatment is believed to reduce the rate of hair loss. it may even stimulate hair growth in some cases. However, there are certain side effects, including irritation and palpitation. However, the moment you stop the treatment, hair loss starts. Minoxidil does not work on baldness either.

Finasteride is another hair loss drug meant for men. Also known as Propecia, it can help in the reduction of hair loss. The drug does not suit baldness. Some of the side effects include a high risk of prostate cancer and a lower sex drive.

Cosmetic Treatment

Nowadays many cosmetic hair loss treatments are available.

Hair Concealers

Concealers are easy to apply on the scalp or hair. They are suitable for hair thinning and pattern baldness and are meant to make the hair appear fuller and thicker. Concealers are available as powders and creams. But they may need to be applied every time you want to step out. Although they are generally safe, there could be noticeable itching, irritation, allergy, and other side effects. Hair concealers do not look natural either.

Scalp Micropigmentation

SMP is a game-changer in the hair restoration industry. It does not have any significant side effects nor does it need to be applied every day. The best thing about scalp micropigmentation as a non-surgical hair loss treatment is that it is non-invasive and permanent. It is an effective treatment for scalp camouflage that works for thinning hair, receding hairline, hair loss, bald patches, and even scarring due to an injury or surgery.

The procedure involves the application of specially formulated pigments on the scalp. It is painless and requires touch-ups after a few years to revive the pigment. This is by far one of the best non-surgical hair loss treatment options available. However, the efficacy of the treatment depends a lot on the skills of the SMP practitioner. So you should not ignore the importance of finding a reliable scalp technician, who has the skills and expertise along with quality resources to do the job. DermiMatch Clinic experts are the best in the scalp micropigmentation Phoenix industry. Get in touch with the top Phoenix SMP practitioners today and get rid of your hair loss woes.

scalp micropigmentation

Baldness in Men: Why is it More Common Than Women?

You might have noticed that more men go bald than women. Rightly so, men experience more extreme hair loss than women. Let’s explore the causes of baldness in men, which range from hereditary factors, environmental stressors, medical conditions, and medications.

Baldness in Men Causes

Family Genetics

Men are more genetically predisposed to hair loss. Male pattern baldness is primarily linked to your genes. Even your sex hormones are to be blamed for pattern hair loss. Since it follows a pattern of receding hairline and thinning on the crown, it is known as pattern balding. With age, the hairline starts to lose fullness and recedes more. Statistics reveal that nearly 50 percent of men above 50 years of age demonstrate signs of hair loss.

If your blood relations are experiencing hair loss, it is possible that you too are vulnerable. Although not much is known about the hereditary connection of hair loss, it is prevalent in many families. Unfortunately, hereditary hair loss may even begin in teenage. As a result, hair may become thinner, softer, finer, and even shorter.

DHT May Accelerate Hair Loss

Pattern hair loss is blamed on dihydrotestosterone or DHT hormone in males as they have more DHT than women. DHT is thought to bind to follicles. When that happens, they start to shrink in size and do not regrow. Unfortunately, this triggers the effect of thinning hair or a receding hairline.


Thyroid or hormonal imbalance can also trigger hair loss in men and women. An anemic person also loses more hair than others.

Medication blamed for baldness in men

Certain medications have side effects. Hair loss could be one of them. In some males, depression, cancer, arthritis, blood pressure, and heart medications can cause hair loss as a side effect. Chemotherapy and radiation might also be blamed for hair loss in men.


Chronic stressful episodes can cause hair loss in both men and women. A tragedy in the family or a shocking incident might result in a prolonged stressful period, resulting in hair shedding. How? Well, stem cells in hair follicles drive the hair growth cycle. During the growth phase, stem cells divide and turn into new cells. As a result, you experience hair growth. However, stem cells are inactive during the resting period, which is when you are stressed.

Even worse, stress can affect stem cells responsible for the regeneration of hair pigment. As a result, hair starts to turn gray.

Baldness in Men Treatment

Some men create more testosterone than others and may have more or less receptors. But some may have less. It is here that your genes play a part and determine if you will have extreme hair loss or not. While you cannot stop genetic hair loss, you can still take a few steps to hide the effects.

For example, by opting for scalp micropigmentation, you can camouflage the effects of hair loss with scalp pigment that creates the appearance of hair follicles. As a result, it gives the look of a shaved head, instead of a bald scalp.

The procedure is painless and the pigment is especially meant for SMP. The SMP results are long-lasting, and you can enjoy the restored look of youthfulness. But to make the most of scalp micropigmentation, you need to look for the best scalp artist in Scottsdale.

DermiMatch Clinic is a reputable scalp micropigmentation practice, with skilled SMP practitioners who can create the look you desire and help you camouflage any signs of baldness in men.

scalp micropigmentation

What is a Receding Hairline?

A hairline that shows signs of receding is not a pleasant sight for men and women. It affects their overall confidence. It hurts their self-esteem. So let’s see what a receding hairline is and how to correct it so you can reclaim your confidence.

Understanding Receding Hairlines

Such type of hairline might be the result of hormonal imbalance, genetics, stress, and lifestyle choices. Your genes are to be blamed primarily in this case. Hormonal imbalances might contribute to the problem. In males with high testosterone, a receding hairline is often the result. In addition, unhealthy lifestyle choices and a poor diet can make you prone to hair loss. it’s important to identify signs of receding hairlines to take timely corrective action.

Symptoms of receding hairlines

One major sign of such a hairline is the sight of thinning hair at the crown of the head. People with a receding hairline have a more prominent forehead.


Apart from hair loss medications, hair transplant surgery has surfaced as a hair restoration solution. The procedure involves extracting healthy follicles from one part of the scalp and transplanting them into the site of thinning hair. In addition, you ought to maintain a healthy lifestyle and your diet should be packed with nutrients, including iron, vitamin D, biotin, and other vitamins, such as A, C, and E, to promote the growth of healthy hair. Apart from this, your focus should be on stress reduction. When you understand the underlying cause of a receding hairline, you can better address the problem and take action to improve the condition.

You must avoid the use of chemical products that make your situation worse.

SMP for Receding Hairline

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical hair restoration treatment option. The procedure can conceal thinning hair and lower a receding hairline, giving you a sharp, clean appearance. SMP hair treatment can make thinning hair look denser and richer. SMP practitioners are skilled scalp artists with experience in reviving thinning hair with their magical touches. They use the best scalp ink to create natural and realistic results for clients suffering from scalp problems. The treatment effectively covers bald patches and scars and corrects the hairline to make it look fuller and thicker.

The forehead hairline tattoo is a popular choice among SMP clients suffering from a hairline that has started to recede. The goal of SMP is to mask the hairline with pigmented dots that look like real hair follicles. Scalp artists focus on creating a more even look using their scalp micropigmentation experience. Once the treatment is over, you can see a naturally symmetric and full hairline in the place of a receding hairline.

Advantages of SMP

Scalp micropigmentation is a painless procedure that does not require anesthesia or surgery for treatment. The results are long-lasting and you can continue to enjoy the results with a few regular touchups. Get back your self-confidence with scalp micropigmentation – your one-stop destination to camouflage a hairline that is receding without surgery or dangerous medications.

Trusted and reputable Arizona SMP practitioners can help you with scalp micropigmentation. Consult with DermiMatch Clinic scalp artists today.

scalp micropigmentation

SMP in One Day: Is It possible?

The most intriguing question for many clients is if SMP in one day is possible. So let’s try to find an answer here. Well, you might ask why can’t SMP be completed in one session. Scalp micropigmentation is a specialized intricate hair restoration solution that requires technical skills, knowledge of human anatomy, and an eye for detail. When working with a client, an SMP practitioner tries to add value to their experience and allay their fears about hair loss. They also go to the extent of making the procedure safe, secure, and pleasant for the client. The ultimate goal is to recreate the appearance of hair follicles and create a buzz-cut look. It may not be possible to include all minor details in one session.

Here are some of the main factors that determine the number of sessions required for SMP:

  • What and how much area needs to be covered?
  • Is there any scar tissue?
  • What is the level of fading experienced by the client?
  • What is the extent of hair loss and its pattern?

Is SMP in 1 session Possible?

While some scalp artists offer to do SMP in one day but that is practically not the best experience for clients. Remember, SMP is a layering process and the scalp artist applies the pigment in layers. The technician gradually builds up density and coverage with each session. Typically, one SMP session is not enough to ensure a lasting treatment.

The process involves making small, tattoo-like dots on the scalp to create the appearance of follicles. Each layer requires time to settle before the application of the new layer The goal is to ensure that the pigments blur. Scalp micropigmentation is a customized hair restoration technique. Every client’s needs are different. This includes skin and hair color, scalp problems, and the extent and type of hair loss.

Remember, SMP is not a one-size-fits-all solution. For clients with extensive hair loss, more scalp sessions can achieve the desired result.

Healing & recovery

Each scalp session requires adequate time for healing. Its during this period that the pigment settles down and fades slightly. A little amount of fading is natural as the body fights any external factor as an enemy. It’s no use to rush the process unnecessarily to complete SMP in one session. This could result in complications and compromise the result.

SMP Sessions

The first session is often the longest, and the time for each session required goes down as the treatment progresses. The scalp practitioner will plan out the number of sessions required for each client considering various factors. First, the pigment used in the first session is light in shade. Second, the session may continue for 3-6 hours and may include breaks. This ensures that they don’t go too deep right at the start, without giving the client time to adjust to the pigment intensity. Depending on how the color looks after the first session, the scalp artist may add more density with each proceeding session.

By the second session, the SMP practitioner has already created a perfect hairline. This session is more about increasing volume by adding extra layers to create a more defined look. The second session may last 30-60 minutes less than the preceding one.

It’s time to make the final touches in the third session. Now the client can heave a sigh of relief and walk out in style and confidence with their completed look! This session may need 30-60 minutes less than its preceding session.

SMP in One Session Isn’t Practical

Some clients may need 4-7 sessions, depending on their scalp problem, for complete scalp micropigmentation. Irrespective of how many sessions are needed, it is critical to choose a skilled and reputable scalp artist who has expertise in the field of scalp micropigmentation. The best Arizona SMP professionals are associated with DermiMatch Clinic. Resolve your scalp problems by getting in touch with the best in the business.

scalp micropigmentation

Hair Loss after Pregnancy

The birth of your child brings about a huge transformation in life. Physically and emotionally, it is a life-changing experience. But an unexpected surprise often awaits some new moms in the form of postpartum hair loss. Hair loss after pregnancy is a reality that most new mothers find it tough to cope with. But this is quite natural and it takes a few months for the body to return to its normal state. Sadly, some women can’t cope with the problem easily and look for solutions to hair loss.

Postpartum Hair Loss after Pregnancy

Call it postpartum alopecia or hair loss, it refers to a temporary phase of hair shedding in a new mother’s life, especially after giving birth. Post-delivery, a woman’s body starts to return to its normal state. This brings about a change in hormonal balance as well. Hormones that were in full swing during pregnancy suddenly drop after childbirth, bringing about a severe storm of hair shedding. Hair loss after delivery often brings about 3 months after childbirth and may last for a year or even longer in some women. For some, the situation may normalize between 6 and 12 months of delivery.

Causes of postpartum hair loss

Your hair grows in cycles. There are three hair growth cycles, including growing, resting, and shedding phases. When you are pregnant, your hair remains in the growth phase as hormones are in full swing.

But after delivery, hormones begin to change, with estrogen dropping significantly. A drop in estrogen triggers the shedding phase. It has a bearing on your beautiful pregnancy hair. Now all of the hair that was in the resting phase suddenly enter the shedding phase. That shows up in the form of hair shedding. The sight of hair loss during this phase is alarming. But it is natural and temporary as well.

Postpartum Hair Loss Symptoms

Sudden and increased hair shedding is one of the most common symptoms of postpartum hair loss. you may notice more hair in the shower drain, on the hairbrush, and even on your pillow. Hair thinning around the sides of the scalp is also common.

How To Deal with Hair Loss After Pregnancy

Eat healthily

There are ways to deal with hair loss after delivery. A good diet is crucial to health and overall well-being. This includes healthy hair too. Your body and hair need vitamins and minerals for hair growth. After childbirth, you should try to incorporate protein-rich foods into your postpartum diet. This includes eggs, beans, lean meat, leafy greens, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. A well-balanced diet will nourish your body and hair. Staying well-hydrated is important too.

Manage stress

Postpartum stress is a reality for many women. While stress can aggravate hair loss, the latter can contribute to added stress.  It’s like a vicious cycle that continues unless you learn to manage stress for your overall well-being. So stress management becomes crucial to a quick recovery.

While physical strategies are important, it’s equally crucial to acknowledge the psychological impact of hair loss. Feelings of distress or self-consciousness are completely normal and valid. If hair loss is causing significant stress, speaking with a mental health professional can provide emotional support and coping strategies.

How to deal with postpartum hair loss in women?

If you are struggling with hair loss after childbirth and do not have the patience to wait until 6-12 months for things to return to normal, look for hair restoration options. Scalp micropigmentation is one. You will love it for the fact that it helps camouflage thinning hair and bald patches that might become apparent in this period. Luckily, SMP in Scottsdale is a way to restore your youthful appearance. So leave the misery of pregnancy hair loss behind and get help at DermiMatch Clinic. you will find the best Scottsdale SMP technicians there.

scalp micropigmentation

Can chemotherapy hair loss be prevented?

Chemotherapy hair loss is a reality for cancer patients. If you are having chemotherapy, hair loss is part of the process. It occurs, depending on the type of medication used for chemotherapy. In a majority of cases, the hair always grows back after treatment is over, but this side effect can be extremely upsetting for cancer patients. although many claim that a few prevention steps can prevent hair shedding caused by chemo. But the reality is different and certainly unpleasant for many cancer patients. Chemo hair loss cannot be prevented.

Steps To Prevent Chemotherapy Hair Loss

Scalp compression

This is one way to exert pressure on the scalp. In doing so, it is believed that hair loss can be prevented. This involves the use of tight caps that cause less blood to reach the hair roots. It is thought to reduce the effect of chemo medication on hair cells and roots. Unfortunately, this method does not work much. It might help when combined with scalp cooling.

Scalp cooling

Scalp cooling minimizes blood flow to the scalp. As a result, follicles aren’t as exposed to the cancer drug. But this may or may not work every single time. Patients still lose some of their hair.


Well, there is no specific medication to prevent chemotherapy hair loss. some make tall claims about specific hair loss drugs but they don’t seem to work during chemotherapy.


A good well-balanced diet is crucial for overall wellbeing. Some vitamins and minerals are known to help induce hair growth. But there’s no evidence that they prevent chemotherapy-related hair loss.

Natural oils and supplements

Good nourishment is necessary for hair regrowth but as far as chemotherapy side effects on hair are concerned, there isn’t any oil or hair growth supplement that seems to work during cancer treatment to prevent hair loss.

However, it is important not to use any chemical cleansers during treatment as they can react with sensitive skin during chemotherapy and make the situation worse.

Scalp micropigmentation

When nothing seems to work, what should a cancer patient do to overcome the burden of hair loss during chemotherapy? Well, while nothing seems to be effective in warding off hair loss during cancer treatment, there is a way to camouflage the effects on your scalp.

Luckily, the solution lies in scalp micropigmentation. No, it does not prevent hair loss, but it does help hide the effects of hair shedding and complete baldness during chemotherapy. SMP is a permanent solution for hair loss that replicates a buzzed haircut and fills in the bald patches with pigmented dots that look like hair follicles. This is one of the safest and most effective ways to fight the fear of baldness during chemotherapy. It helps restore your self-confidence.

When performed by SMP professionals, it has almost outstanding results that effectively hide signs of hair loss. Getting help from top Arizona SMP artists is critical to achieving the best results. Scheduling a consultation with the leading Arizona scalp micropigmentation team at DermiMatch Clinic is the first step. Take it today!

scalp micropigmentation

Does SMP for Blonde Hair Work?

Many people with red hair wonder if SMP for blonde hair is a solution. Well, scalp micropigmentation can be used to treat male pattern baldness, thinning hair, and receding hairline, irrespective of hair color. Hair loss is undoubtedly a problem everyone faces at different ages. But when hair loss is premature, it hurts badly. If you have blonde or red hair, you might feel as if there is no solution to the problem. Luckily, scalp micropigmentation is a reliable solution.

What is SMP for Blonde Hair?

Scalp micropigmentation is a technique to layer dots in the second skin layer of the scalp. The method is known as pointillism which intends to create the impression of hair follicles.

SMP involves the use of specialized pigment, which is organic and doesn’t separate into blue or green hues.

If you have blonde hair, worry not. SMP has a solution. Depending on the type of your hair color, scalp experts can use a pigment that matches your hair tone. While many SMP pigments require dilution, DermMicro has launched an amazing variety of scalp micropigmentation inks that do not need any dilution. They are ready to use. There’s a matching color for every skin and hair color type.

Does Skin Tone Matter?

If an SMP technician uses a lighter shade than skin tone, it may give a faded appearance. On the other hand, SMP may look fake if the pigment color is too dark.  The goal of scalp micropigmentation treatment is to create a harmonious look that appears natural.

Some skin tones may need extra sessions to complete the natural look. A scalp professional may start with lighter colors for a lighter and red skin tone to create the perfect color.

Typically, people with lighter skin tones have thinner skin. So SMP technicians apply lighter pressure with smaller dots so that the end result looks realistic.

Is SMP for Blonde Hair Painful?

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive procedure, which makes it painless. However, clients with sensitive skin might find it a little uncomfortable. Luckily, many SMP professionals use scalp numbing to numb the skin. This ensures that you do not feel any discomfort or pain during the procedure. Their aim is to make the process smooth and hassle-free for clients. Each client has a different tolerance level.

Once the procedure completes, the next most important task is SMP aftercare. You cannot ignore it as proper care is crucial to a lasting recovery. You will continue to reap the benefits for a long time to come. This holds true for people with all types of skin and hair tones. Whether you plan to choose SMP for blonder hair, go with proper planning and ensure scalp aftercare.

The best scalp artist in Arizona can create a fuller hair look for clients with all types of hair. Connect with top Arizona SMP professionals at DermiMatch Clinic, who have a proven track record of working with blonde hair. Get in touch today to take the first step toward a life-changing decision.