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scalp micropigmentation

Can You Prevent Hair Loss?

Well, if you are suffering from hair loss, you might think that is the end of the world because hair shedding hurts. You might look for anything and everything you can do to prevent hair loss.

Unfortunately, hereditary hair loss or fall induced by a specific medical problem or health disorder cannot be prevented. Besides, there are other types of hair loss, including chemotherapy hair loss, about which you can do nothing. But here are a few tips to reduce hair loss in other cases.

How to prevent hair loss?

While genetics cannot be altered, small lifestyle changes can help slow down hair loss if you follow them religiously.

Preserve hair health

Hair fashion is trending, and hairstyles like buns and ponytails, which damage hair follicles at the root if worn excessively tight or regularly, are widely popular. You would do better to limit wearing these hairstyles and avoid follicular harm, so your scalp has enough resting periods.

Nourish strands to prevent hair loss

Your body needs nutrition for growth. Similarly, your hair needs proteins for healthy growth. Unless your diet is rich in protein, B vitamins, Vitamins E, and minerals like iron and folate, you are depriving your hair of adequate nutrition for optimal growth.

Stress management is crucial

Manage life’s stresses, which can trigger hair loss. Stress is part of everyone’s life, but it can adversely affect your overall health and well-being and ruin hair health. To prevent hair loss, it is advised to manage stress through counseling, meditation, diet, and yoga.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is critical to hair health since hair shafts contain 25% water. Make sure you drink at least 4 to 8 cups of water daily to prevent dehydration, which can further trigger moisture loss from the scalp and cause hair loss.

Make healthy food choices

Dietary Improvements can have a significant effect on hair health. Consume lean proteins, fruits, vegetables, and supplements to boost hair growth and prevent hair loss.

Avoid chemical exposure

Harsh chemicals, hair styling tools, and tight styles can damage follicles. Even the shampoos and conditioners should be chemical-free to avert damage to hair. Use mild shampoos and gentle handling for best results. 

Scalp Massage

Massage can improve blood flow and nutrient circulation to the scalp, stimulating hair growth. Scalp massage can help boost hair health and improve the quality of hair as well.

Hair treatments to prevent hair loss

Besides, if hair care tips do not work or produce quick results, you might want medical intervention. Various forms of hair loss treatments claim to help stimulate hair growth. For example, minoxidil, rogaine, and finasteride. These treatments are considered adequate as long as the therapy is on. As soon as the therapy is discontinued, the hair loss starts again. Moreover, there are hair loss treatment side effects.

Concealing Hair Loss in the Modern Age

For those distressed by hair loss, scalp micropigmentation is an innovative cosmetic solution that can renew self-confidence. This technique involves making tattoos using natural pigments on the scalp. During the treatment, a scalp technician aims to produce the look of closely buzzed stubble. It can effectively conceal hair loss.

SMP seeks to create a realistic appearance with tiny dotted pigments that mimic hair follicles. When a skilled SMP practitioner performs the procedure, they aim to customize the treatment and integrate the dots with existing hair to conceal thin spots or receding hairlines.

With SMP that realistically simulates hair, you no longer have to worry about hair loss if hair care does not produce the desired results. Get your confidence back with scalp micropigmentation.

The DM Advantage

Contact Arizona SMP experts at DermiMatch Clinic for a job done right the first time. Skilled scalp practitioners in Arizona can help camouflage your scalp problems without invasive techniques.

scalp micropigmentation

Untangling the Roots: Addressing Women Hair Health Problems

The causes of hair loss in women are diverse, from genetics to hormonal changes. Even stress, food and lifestyle, and environmental factors contribute to hair loss in women. Let’s explore each of these causes that trigger women hair health problems.

Women Hair Health Problems: Causes

Hormonal shifts

Women experience major hormonal changes all through their life, right from teenage to menopause and post-menopause. Some of the hormonal fluctuations happen during pregnancy and postpartum, which tend to give hair loss woes to women. Even their menstrual cycle result in hormonal disturbance that can disrupt hair growth.


Women have to deal with a lot in their lives, which often makes them prone to chronic stress. Physical and mental stress can trigger hair loss because the body diverts its attention to coping with stress.

Nutritional deficiencies

Busy lives, with 9-5 jobs, and then managing household chores often take a toll on women’s health. The lack of time to cook food at home from scratch means ordering food from outside. Store-bought stuff is unhealthy and devoid of nutrition. As a result, women are more likely to suffer from nutritional deficiencies. So this has a bearing on hair health too.

Women hair health problems triggered by poor dietary choices can be addressed through dietary changes.

Medical conditions

Certain medical conditions can affect hair health. This includes autoimmune disorders, such as thyroid and lupus. Some medications too can trigger hair loss. Chemotherapy drugs cause major hair loss but hair do return once the treatment is over.

Hair care practices

Poor hair care and hair styling can all contribute to hair thinning and breakage. Harsh chemicals and tight hairstyles, besides excessive heat styling, can cause severe damage to hair follicles. All such practices contribute to women hair loss problems.

Environmental factors

Pollution and exposure to certain chemicals can trigger hair loss.

Women hair loss problems can be pretty unsettling. Women are obsessive about their hair. The loss of hair can cause stress and anxiety.

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Solution to Women Hair Loss Problems

SMP is fast emerging as a hair camouflage procedure, which helps hide hair loss and scalp problems. This helps women regain confidence. The cosmetic tattooing technique replicates the appearance of hair follicles in the form of pigmented dots on the scalp. Top scalp practitioners in Phoenix use specialized needles and pigments to meticulously deposit microscopic dots onto the scalp to create a natural-looking illusion of hair density.

SMP is a safe, effective, and minimally invasive solution for women hair health problems. However, the procedure’s results depend greatly on the scalp artist’s skills and expertise. Look for the best SMP practitioners in Phoenix at DermiMatch Clinic, who have experience in the field and have helped thousands of female hair loss clients regain their confidence and self-esteem.

Let SMP for women be the solution to your problems that help you feel comfortable and confident in your skin. Consult DermiMatch Clinic experts now to take the first step forward.

scalp micropigmentation

Which is Better: Hair Transplant versus SMP?

Struggling with hair loss? Are you unsure which way to go – hair transplant versus SMP? Both procedures offer potential solutions to balding and thinning hair, but their approach and outcomes differ. So, which is a better option for you: hair transplant versus SMP?

Understanding the critical differences between the two can help individuals make an informed decision based on their specific needs and preferences.

Hair Transplant Versus SMP

Hair transplants and SMP have emerged as popular options when addressing hair loss. Solutions to balding and thinning hair, including hair transplants, are not similar to scalp micropigmentation. They differ in procedure and outcome.

Hair Transplant

A surgical procedure, a transplant involves the extraction of follicles from a donor area. Hair is usually extracted from the back of the head and transplanted to the balding or thinning areas. Transplantation helps hair growth. However, everyone is not comfortable with a transplant since it is invasive and causes post-operative discomfort and scarring. However, those seeking long-term results may be happy with a transplant. Unfortunately, a hair transplant may not solve your problem if hair loss is caused by hereditary reasons, making you susceptible to future hair loss.

Besides, hair transplants are quite costly, and some individuals may require multiple procedures to achieve desired results.

On the other hand, scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive technique that is not surgical and involves no stitches, cuts, or incisions.

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive procedure that involves the application of natural pigments to the scalp to create the appearance of a fuller head of hair.

Unlike hair transplants, SMP is a non-invasive procedure that does not require incisions or stitches. That means there are minimal side effects of the treatment. The treatment is associated with little to no post-treatment discomfort and no scarring.

Besides, SMP is more affordable than a hair transplant.

What are the risks and side effects of hair transplant and scalp micropigmentation?

One of the biggest risks of a surgical procedure is bleeding, which might occur during or immediately after the procedure. Besides, the treatment may result in itching due to scab formation after the procedure. Scarring is another side effect of the treatment, which may limit hair growth in the affected area.

Recovery may take around 7 to 10 days, and the patient may experience discomfort, swelling, and redness. Full recovery may take weeks.

During the recovery period, the transplanted hair sheds and then starts regrowing. The full results of the hair transplant may not be apparent until 6 to 12 months after the procedure.

On the other hand, SMP may cause a little redness, which may disappear on its own after a few days.

Which is Better: Hair Transplant Versus SMP?

Whether you should opt for a transplant or scalp micropigmentation depends on individual preferences. You may consider your budgetary constraints, the side effects of treatment, and the extent of hair loss.

If you seek a permanent, cost-effective, and low-maintenance solution to hair loss, which is also not invasive, try scalp micropigmentation. Consult with experts for a pleasant experience.

Talk to SMP technicians in Arizona at DermiMatch Clinic for a pleasant scalp micropigmentation experience. The clinic’s best scalp artists are available, backed by a track record of delivering excellent results.

scalp micropigmentation

Thickening Strategies for Women Thinning Hair

Women thinning hair is a severe issue for females. It deals a significant blow to their confidence. It is more of a pain if you’ve enjoyed luscious locks turning finer and sparser. But you’re not alone. About 40 percent of women experience hair thinning.

Though the scenario is more common among women above 40 years of age, thinning hair is becoming a huge problem for young girls experiencing stress, health issues, and hormonal imbalances. Luckily, there are proven ways to treat the condition. If treatment is not possible, you can certainly opt to create the illusion of density and maximize fullness.

Are Natural Remedies Worth It for Women Thinning Hair?

As far as natural remedies are concerned, you want to source everything from your diet. Eggs are one of the most significant sources of biotin and protein, essential for strong, thick hair. Include eggs in your diet and use them as egg treatment, too. Make other dietary tweaks, too, and include iron and leafy greens.

You may also want to include omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, which are suitable for healthy hair. According to a study, 120 healthy women who were suffering from thinning hair experienced thicker hair after supplementing their diet with omega-3 fatty acids for six months. But diet may not work overnight, nor does it help people with specific health conditions. a

Are Treatments Good Enough For Hair Growth?

Rogaine is one of the leading over-the-counter topical solutions for the scalp, which stimulates hair growth. It helps prevent hair loss to an extent but once the treatment is discontinued, hair loss resumes.

What about Lifestyle Changes?

You don’t want to get into the trap of harsh chemical treatments. Using hair styling products for curling, straightening, or perming can cause hair loss. Avoid sulfate chemicals and heating products that can damage your locks permanently and worsen hair loss. Chemicals can strip away oils from hair and weaken roots.

Use the right hair care products that are formulated with organic ingredients. Some shampoos and conditioners can lock in moisture and reduce breakage. That helps prevent breakage and stimulate hair growth. 

An essential part of the hair care regime, scalp massage stimulates blood flow to the scalp. This boosts circulation and nutrient delivery to follicles.  This supplies nutrients to all parts of the scalp, thus helping with hair growth.

Besides, castor oil is touted to be an excellent nourishment for hair. Mixing castor with a carrier oil like coconut oil perfectly nourishes the scalp.

Keep yourself hydrated to ensure proper moisturization of your scalp. Dehydration can impact hair health. This is one of the most common problems in women hair loss.

Why Scalp Micropigmentation for Women is Becoming Increasingly Popular?

SMP is a minimally invasive, low-maintenance solution to hair loss. It is a permanent hair loss treatment that helps camouflage signs of women thinning hair, receding hairline, and pattern baldness.

SMP creates the appearance of thicker hair without invasive surgery or leaving scars. Recovery is quick, too. So, if women thinning hair is a problem, you may want to try out scalp micropigmentation in Phoenix. It gives women a sense of self-confidence with a look of thicker hair.

Scalp experts at DermiMatch Clinic can help.

scalp micropigmentation

How To Reduce DHT for Hair Growth?

Can you reduce DHT naturally? Can hair regrow from DHT? Dihydrotestosterone is a sex hormone produced naturally in the body. It forms specific masculine features, including muscle growth, prostate, and deep voice. Besides, it helps with hair health, too much DHT is unsuitable for hair.

Excessive levels can cause hair loss as too much of this hormone blocks essential nutrients and hinders their supply to hair follicles. When the follicles are drained of nutrients, they shrink and degrade. Ultimately, they stop growing.

When there is no new hair growth, baldness sets in. Let’s see if there are ways to reduce DHT for hair growth.

What causes DHT to Increase?

Certain lifestyle habits may cause an increase in DHT levels, which otherwise tends to increase with age. A poor dietary regime, drinking, smoking, high levels of stress, and specific medications can all contribute to an increase in DHT. Increased DHT production is often responsible for hair thinning, shedding, and baldness.

What foods reduce DHT?

Several foods packed with vitamins and minerals are known as natural DHT blockers. Let’s identify those foods and find out how they help lower the levels of DHT hormone.


Specific foods rich in zinc are known as DHT blockers. These foods contain phytosterol that blocks the production of DHT. Pumpkin seeds, kale, spinach, chia seeds, chickpeas, cashews, oatmeal, melon seeds, and dairy products are some of the vegetarian zinc-rich foods.


Foods rich in lycopene are touted to be natural DHT blockers. Try to include more tomatoes and carrots in your diet for lycopene. Other vegetarian sources of lycopene include mango, watermelon, cranberries, papaya, melon, peach, and apricot.


Biotin plays a crucial role in reducing DHT production in the body. Vitamin B7 helps with metabolism and production of glucose. What’s more, biotin helps with the formation of amino acids that aid in the building of protein in the body. Ultimately, protein is critical to the health of your hair and skin. Keratin, a form of protein, is also formed when you include biotin-rich foods in your diet.

Some of the veg sources of biotin include almonds, legumes, bananas, berries, avocados, and watermelon seeds.

How do I block DHT from my scalp?

It’s essential to lower increased levels of DHT. To do so, practice a healthy lifestyle with a diet that includes zinc, biotin, and lycopene. Besides, it might help to quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Stress management is crucial to overall health and well-being. This holds true for skin and hair health as well.

You may opt for DHT blocker shampoo, which is specially formulated to inhibit the production of this hormone. In addition, it reduces Alpha 5 Reductase formation, which is responsible for converting testosterone to DHT. However, not everyone finds favorable results with these products.

So when reducing DHT naturally, you can try the aforementioned dietary lifestyle. But when nothing works, it might be a huge frustration.

Luckily, there is scalp micropigmentation to hide the effects of DHT on your scalp. when you cannot naturally reduce DHT, try SMP in Arizona. Top Arizona scalp artists can help camouflage the adverse effects of DHT so you can enjoy a youthful look.

The best SMP practitioners in Arizona are available at DermiMatch Clinic to help you. Get in touch with them now.

scalp micropigmentation

Does Creatine Cause Hair Loss?                             

While creatine may not directly cause hair loss, there is still an indirect connection. The supplement may affect the levels of DHT hormone, which is often blamed for hair loss. Creatine occurs naturally in the human body, though it can be consumed in supplement form, too.

How does DHT cause hair loss?

Since hair follicles undergo three primary processes – growth, resting, and shedding.

After the growth phase, your hair passes through the resting phase. Following this, the hair falls out. DHT can bind to specific follicle hormone receptors, leading to shortened growth cycles. As a result, hairs become thinner and shorter. This disturbs hair growth. Additionally, more hair is shed while hair growth slows down.

How does creatine relate to hair loss?

The hair-loss rumor linked to creatine stems from a 2009 study in which the subjects took creatine daily for three weeks. They were rugby players who were on creatine supplementation for muscle building. According to the study, a “statistically significant” increase in DHT resulted in shrunk hair follicles and increased hair thinning. The subjects also reported a shortened hair growth cycle.

However, following this research, other research-based studies concluded that it was merely a misconception since none of the subjects, aka rugby players, was found to have experienced hair loss due to creatine supplementation. The study also established that the DHT levels of all subjects “remained well within normal clinical limits” despite the increase. That means DHT levels did not go abnormally high.

So does creatine cause hair loss?

Creatine is a derivative of amino acid, which stores phosphocreatine molecules needed for muscle development. While there are plenty of creatine benefits, no conclusive evidence suggests its direct connection with hair loss.

Some research suggests that creatine may be a safe supplement for vegetarians whose diets don’t include meat.  Although the Food and Drug Administration doesn’t approve it as a drug, creatine is recognized as “Safe” by the FDA.

Besides, it is water soluble. That means excess won’t cause too much trouble as it would be flushed out. But always exercise caution when using supplements, and do not go beyond the prescribed dosage to be within safe limits.

More research is required to determine the connection between hair loss and creatine supplements.

Perfect Solution For Creatine Hair Loss?

If you fear hair loss is induced by creatine, you may consult your doctor. The problem is aggravated due to some other cause, not creatine.

Additionally, if hair loss sends shivers down your spine, you may want to try out a safe, permanent solution for hair loss.

Choose scalp micropigmentation or SMP to camouflage the signs of hair loss. it is one of the most innovative techniques to hide the effects of hair shedding, hair thinning, or receding hairline.

SMP creates the impression of a full head of hair, thus helping restore confidence in people troubled with hair loss. The procedure is non-invasive and has no side effects. Moreover, it helps people suffering from bald patches due to alopecia areata or inherited hair loss. It can even correct scars left by hair loss.

Get in touch with SMP Scottsdale experts for scalp micropigmentation. They have helped thousands of clients suffering from hair loss restore their self-confidence.

scalp micropigmentation

Is iron Deficiency Caused Hair Loss A Reality?

Hair loss and iron deficiency are related. You are more likely to experience hair shedding if you have iron deficiency. Nobody is immune to this form of hair loss. Iron deficiency caused hair loss or hair thinning is very much a reality.

Iron Deficiency Caused Hair Loss Causes

Iron is crucial to health and well-being. It plays several critical roles in the body. Iron helps transfer oxygen to different organs and tissues via red blood cells. Therefore, getting enough iron is crucial for several biological processes.

Since hair follicles are the fastest-growing tissues, they need an adequate supply of iron for rapid growth.  The body’s lack of iron reduces activity within follicle cells that produce new hairs. As a result, depleted iron stores may trigger hair loss over time.

The Link Between Low Iron and Hair Loss

Some scientific research studies show significantly low serum ferritin levels or diffuse hair thinning in people with alopecia. You may notice more hair shedding if you are deficient in iron. Then, the hair might appear thinner, with areas of noticeable male or female pattern hair loss.

Supplementation of diet with iron facilitates hair growth, though it may sometimes take 6 months or longer.

Who’s At Risk for Iron Deficiency Hair Loss?

Iron deficiency may result in thinning hair. Here is a group of people suffering from iron-related loss of hair.

  • Premenopausal women experience iron-deficiency hair loss due to heavy periods.
  • People with hypothyroidism may suffer from depleted iron levels.
  • Individuals with bleeding disorders may also be victims of iron-related hair loss.
  • Frequent blood donors may also suffer iron loss.
  • People on a vegan and vegetarian diet experience iron loss due to plant-based diets with more non-heme iron intake.
  • Bariatric surgery patients suffer from iron loss due to poor nutrient absorption.

Is Iron Deficiency Caused Hair Loss Permanent?

No, it isn’t. Addressing nutritional deficiencies may help your cause. However, dietary intervention does not induce a positive effect overnight. It takes time for follicles to return from the resting phase to normal.

Eating iron-rich foods is a good way to incorporate iron in your diet through leafy greens, fish, seafood, red meat, nuts, legumes, seeds, grains, dried fruit, and lentils.

But it may take months for the body to return to normal iron levels if you try to replenish them through diet. Follicles will not return to their normal selves immediately. Rather, it will take longer for follicles to transition into the active phase. When that happens, you will notice less hair shedding.

But anyone with normal iron levels should avoid supplements. Too much iron can cause toxicity. It won’t help any hair growth if your levels are normal. If you want to overcome hair loss, one of the powerful ways is to hide symptoms with scalp micropigmentation.

How Can SMP Help Iron Deficiency Caused Hair Loss?

Scalp micropigmentation is a procedure to hide any signs of hair loss or scalp problems with specialized SMP pigments. Get help from a professional scalp artist in Phoenix who knows his job better and specializes in micropigmentation.

DermiMatch Clinic SMP practitioners are trained and skilled in helping clients with baldness, thinning hair, and similar scalp problems.

scalp micropigmentation

Male Baldness: At What Age Do Men Go Bald?

Male baldness seems like an unfortunate reality. Many men experience hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia, which is a form of male pattern baldness. The condition results from their sensitivity to DHT, primarily due to hereditary causes.

Over time, DHT will shrink and degrade hair follicles, causing the production of thinner strands of hair. Gradually, they stop production, resulting in bald patches.

If you are genetically predisposed to hair loss, the balding process begins as early as the 20s or in the late teen years. Initial subtle thinning around the temples becomes visible for some men in their late teens.  

Later Onset of Male Baldness

No doubt, balding starts early; not all men lose their hair young. Hair loss unfolds differently in each person, unique to the interaction of various environmental, genetic, and hormonal factors. It is better to catch the early signs and causes of baldness to curb the problem before it’s too late.

DHT binds to hormone receptors in follicles. As a result, they shrink over a period of time. Eventually, after years of thinning, the follicles stop producing healthy hair.

According to the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, genetic hair loss begins early, with 16% of surveyed men showing signs of balding around 18 years of age. The figure rises to 30% among men of 30 years of age. About 50% of men show signs of significant hair loss around 50.

The balding pattern begins with gradual thinning near the temples and crown. Gradually, the receding hairline takes on an M-shaped pattern as the balding spots spread and eventually join.

However, not all men experience baldness at an early age. The speed and severity of hair loss depend on various factors, including stress, age, and genetics.

Slowing & Preventing Progression

If baldness runs in your family, you, too, could experience genetic hair loss. The FDA has approved finasteride and minoxidil to prevent hair loss and baldness. The drugs block DHT, so blood circulation to shrunken hair follicles improves. When that happens, hair can regrow and thicken if applied early.

Topical minoxidil typically takes 2 to 4 months of application to show the effect on hair loss. however, excessive use could cause more hair loss and side effects. Besides, don’t be alarmed if you begin losing hair during the first 2 weeks of starting the medication. Initial hair shedding is a side effect of minoxidil use.

Is Minoxidil Better Than Finasteride?

Topical minoxidil is effective with regular use. But if you discontinue, hair loss may resume, and growth will subside. After discontinuing the medication, hair regrowth may stop completely after 3 to 4 months.

That means you need consistent use of the medication to see results.

What to do for Male Baldness?

Scalp micropigmentation might help if you are experiencing hereditary hair loss. But it is important to get help from top SMP professionals in Arizona who are skilled and experienced in scalp micropigmentation.

Arizona SMP artists at DermiMatch Clinic are experts in scalp micropigmentation and have helped thousands of clients overcome hair loss woes since the clinic’s inception.

Get help now if you are suffering from male baldness.

scalp micropigmentation

Does Taking Hair Loss Medication Come With Risks?

Is hair loss medication bad for you? What are the side effects of hair loss treatments or hair growth pills? Well, hair loss is a problem for most men and women. Hair loss treatment may work for some but is not immune from risk.

Is hair loss Medication worth it?

There are multiple hair loss triggers, from age to stress, genetics, hormonal imbalances, disease, medication, and nutritional deficiencies. Although hair loss medications might help, they may cause other problems.

Do hair loss drugs actually work?

Different treatments work differently and depend on your type of hair loss. It may take anywhere between three and six months for results to show up. While most people can easily bear hair loss drugs, side effects cannot be denied.

Post-finasteride syndrome

Men might suffer from lower libido due to finasteride side effects, which may cause erectile dysfunction. Unfortunately, it has been linked with depression and, ultimately, suicide.

Hair shedding

Minoxidil can cause hair shedding in the initial months of treatment. It is a common symptom of hair loss treatment, though the hair shedding stops after a few months. Thereafter, you may experience hair growth for as long as you are taking minoxidil.


There is a risk of scalp scarring with hair transplants, which may further cause infection. A transplant may be painful and have other side effects. Recovery time from a transplant is long. You may have to deal with the side effects for a long period after a transplant.

Can You Naturally Regrow Hair Loss?

Well, there are a few ways to grow hair naturally. This includes using caffeine-based shampoos that help stimulate hair growth. Scalp massage is a good way to nourish the scalp and hair follicles so hair can grow better. Besides, the use of essential oils might help, too. Rosemary is particularly good for hair.  Again, natural cures do not work overnight. They are effective in certain cases and might take long to show desirable results.

Bottom Line

As with any treatment, side effects are common. It is better to research risk factors and side effects before switching to a medication therapy or hair loss treatment.

If you are struggling with hair loss and fear the side effects of hair loss treatment, you may want to switch to scalp micropigmentation.

It is one of the safest and most permanent solutions to hair loss. SMP is a non-invasive procedure that uses specialized pigments to create dots that mimic hair follicles. The purpose of SMP treatment in Scottsdale is to hide most scalp problems and hair loss.

This includes thinning hair or a receding hairline. If your hair loss is genetic, SMP is the best way to camouflage androgenetic alopecia and other types of baldness. However, only the best scalp artists know how to hide scalp flaws and create the results the client dreams of.

Scottsdale scalp professionals at DermiMatch Clinic are happy to help. With years of expertise in scalp micropigmentation, DermiMatch scalp artists have been helping those seeking an effective hair loss treatment find a permanent solution to their hair-shedding woes.

scalp micropigmentation

5 Lifestyle Changes To Reduce Hair Loss

Hair thinning or loss is bound to shake you up a little. And you aren’t alone if you experience heartbreak seeing your hair fall. However, there are certain ways to reduce hair loss if you commit to a few lifestyle changes.

Get more nutrients

Certain nutrients play a key role in the hair growth cycle. If you are struggling with hair loss, try to increase the intake of protein, folate, zinc, iron, vitamin D, and B complex. Besides, omega-3 fatty acids are important too. An iron or biotin supplement can also help those with deficiency-related hair loss.

Reduce Stress as a lifestyle change

Your hair follicles are bound to feel weak and fragile if you suffer from chronic stress. High stress is responsible for an increase in cortisol levels while reducing essential nutrients that support healthy hair.

Practice medication to reduce stress and improve mental health.  The hair should start to regrow approximately six months after you have learned to cope with stress.

Quit Smoking 

One of the major lifestyle changes to introduce in your hair growth journey is to quit smoking. It affects hair growth cycles and accelerates aging. The toxins in cigarettes can damage the blood supply to the scalp and cause inflammation. Quitting smoking ensures nutrient supply to the cells so nutrients efficiently reach hair roots. 

Avoid over styling

Excessive heat styling can result in hair pulling. Aggressive chemical processing damages the scalp. Let your hair dry naturally before using hot tools and chemical treatments. Excessive heat can burn and break hair strands.

In fact, too much heat can break protein bonds in hair that are formed at the microscopic level. As a result, strands become prone to breakage and fall out prematurely.

Avoid Chemical treatments

You may want to make this lifestyle change now. Repeated or improper use of chemical treatments damages the cuticle protective layer. It also affects the protein structure of strands, which causes hair to break off. In some cases, the damage is so extensive that it can build up on the scalp, blocking follicles and causing hair thinning.

Get a Regular Scalp Massage

Massage is relaxing and helps stimulate blood circulation. Besides, it encourages hair growth factors. Certain devices come with microneedles that might result in micro-injuries to boost collagen that aids in hair growth. A regular scalp massage helps strengthen existing strands. 

Get SMP as a Lifetime Lifestyle Change

If you are unhappy with lifestyle adjustments, you may want to switch to scalp micropigmentation. SMP is one of the safest and most permanent hair loss solutions available.

Get in touch with Arizona scalp experts today so you can find the right direction regarding hair loss treatment. While lifestyle changes may or may not bring positive results, you want to go the scalp micropigmentation route to benefit from this revolutionary hair restoration technique that hides scalp problems, receding hairlines, and pattern baldness and gives you a youthful appearance.

Get help at DermiMatch Clinic NOW.