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scalp micropigmentation

Flaxseeds for Hair Growth: Myth or Reality?

For centuries, flaxseeds have been touted as a natural remedy for hair loss and promoting hair growth. But what does science say about these tiny nutritional powerhouses? Can incorporating flaxseeds into your diet or hair care routine truly lead to luscious locks? Let’s delve into the research and explore the role of flaxseeds for hair growth.

The Science Behind Flaxseeds for Hair Growth

Flaxseeds are rich in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), an essential omega-3 fatty acid. Since our bodies cannot produce ALA, we need to source it for diet. Things like flaxseeds do come in handy here. Some research suggests that ALA may play a role in hair growth by:

Supporting Scalp Health

ALA can contribute to healthy cell membranes throughout the body, including those in the hair follicles. Healthy cell membranes are crucial for proper nutrient uptake and waste removal, both essential for hair growth.

Reducing Inflammation

Chronic inflammation can disrupt the hair growth cycle. Studies suggest that ALA may possess anti-inflammatory properties, potentially benefiting hair growth by creating a more favorable environment in the scalp.

Hormonal Regulation

While research is limited, some studies suggest a possible link between ALA and hormone regulation, particularly androgens like testosterone. Androgen deficiencies have been linked to hair loss in both men and women.

However, it’s important to note that most of the research on ALA and hair growth is based on animal studies or small-scale human trials. Larger, well-designed clinical trials are needed to definitively establish the effectiveness of flaxseeds for promoting hair growth in humans.

Do Flaxseeds for Hair Growth Work Only Due to ALA?

Flaxseeds are a nutritional powerhouse, offering more than just ALA. They are also a good source of:

Lignans: These plant compounds may have antioxidant and hormonal balancing properties, potentially contributing to hair health.

Fiber: Adequate fiber intake is essential for overall health, including scalp health.

B vitamins: Biotin, a B vitamin, plays a role in hair growth. While a biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss, there’s no evidence that additional biotin from dietary sources promotes faster hair growth in people who aren’t deficient.

Make Flaxseeds for Hair Growth A Part of Life

There are two main ways to incorporate flaxseeds into your hair care routine:

Through Diet

Consuming ground flaxseeds is the most common method. You can add them to smoothies, yogurt, oatmeal, or baked goods. Aim for 1-2 tablespoons daily, but start with a smaller amount to avoid digestive discomfort.

Topical treatment

Flaxseed gel, made by boiling flaxseeds in water, can be used as a natural hair styling product. However, there’s no scientific evidence to suggest topical application directly promotes hair growth.

The Flaxseed Takeaway

While the research on flaxseeds and hair growth is promising, it’s not yet conclusive. However, incorporating flaxseeds into your diet offers a variety of potential health benefits beyond hair, making them a worthy addition to a balanced diet.

But What If Flaxseeds Don’t Deliver Dramatic Hair Growth Results?

Scalp micropigmentation offers a solution for those seeking a more guaranteed approach to a fuller-looking head of hair. Here’s a more detailed look at SMP, building upon the information previously provided:

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Non-Surgical Solution for Hair Loss

SMP is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that creates the illusion of a thicker hairline, denser scalp, or even a buzz cut using tiny dots of pigment deposited in the scalp.

Natural-Looking Results

SMP can create a realistic appearance of thicker hair, blending seamlessly with existing hair.

Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive

Unlike hair transplants, SMP is a non-surgical procedure with minimal downtime and discomfort.

Low Maintenance

Once the initial sessions are complete, SMP requires minimal maintenance compared to hair transplants or hairpieces.

Long-Lasting Results

While results may fade slightly over time, SMP typically lasts for several years before needing touch-up sessions.

Suitable for All Hair Types and Ethnicities

SMP can be customized to match various hair colors and scalp tones, making it a versatile solution.

Flaxseeds are a nutritious addition to a healthy diet and may offer some benefits for hair health. However, the research on the impact of flaxseeds on hair growth is inconclusive. For those seeking a more definitive solution for a thicker-looking head of hair, scalp micropigmentation offers a safe and effective alternative.

But for SMP to work as desired, get help of a scalp expert in Arizona. DermiMatch Clinic has a team of Arizona SMP professionals with expertise in scalp micropigmentation on different types of hair loss.

Schedule a consultation now.

scalp micropigmentation

The Reality of Scalp Massages for Hair Health

For centuries, scalp massages for hair health have been a staple in hair care routines. No doubt, they have been passed down from generation to generation as a natural remedy for promoting hair growth and overall scalp health.

While recent scientific research hasn’t definitively crowned them a guaranteed hair growth solution, scalp massages offer a relaxing and potentially beneficial practice you can easily integrate into your self-care routine.

Let’s explore the connection between hair health and scalp massage further.

Nourishing the Roots With Scalp Massage for Hair

Healthy hair growth relies on a steady supply of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the hair follicles. Scalp massages can potentially aid this process by promoting better blood circulation in the scalp.

Gentle pressure applied during a massage helps dilate blood vessels, allowing for increased blood flow. This improved circulation can deliver essential nutrients to hair follicles, potentially creating a more favorable environment for hair growth and overall hair health.

Combating Stress: Can a Relaxed Scalp Mean Healthier Hair?

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on our bodies, and the scalp is no exception. Stress is known to negatively impact the hair growth cycle, potentially leading to hair loss or slower growth.

Scalp massages may offer a stress-relieving benefit, promoting relaxation and potentially mitigating the negative effects of stress on hair health.

The act of massaging the scalp can trigger the release of endorphins, our body’s natural feel-good chemicals. This relaxation response can help combat stress hormone, which may be linked to hair loss.

Exfoliation and Scalp Cleanliness

The scalp is prone to build-up of dead skin cells, sebum, and other debris. This build-up can clog hair follicles and hinder healthy hair growth. Scalp massages can help with gentle exfoliation, loosening and removing these unwanted elements.

Increased blood flow from the massage may also help flush out toxins and promote a cleaner scalp environment. A clean and healthy scalp provides a better foundation for healthy hair growth.

The Science Behind Scalp Massages for Hair Growth

Some studies suggest a possible connection between scalp massages and hair thickness or density.

For example, a small-scale study published in the journal “Skin Research and Technology” in 2002 investigated the effects of scalp massage on alopecia areata, an autoimmune disease that causes hair loss.

The study found that scalp massage combined with topical immunotherapy resulted in improved hair growth compared to immunotherapy alone. However, larger clinical trials are needed to establish the effectiveness of scalp massage for hair growth.

Potential Benefits Of Scalp Massages for Hair Health

Even if the evidence for hair growth is not yet conclusive, scalp massages offer several potential benefits for overall scalp health.

A scalp massage can help:

Reduce scalp tension

A tense scalp can be uncomfortable and may even contribute to headaches. Scalp massages can help release tension and promote relaxation in the scalp muscles.

Improve scalp condition

Scalp massages can help stimulate the production of natural oils, potentially keeping the scalp hydrated and preventing dryness or flakiness.

Promote relaxation and well-being

The act of scalp massage can be a calming and meditative experience, reducing stress and promoting overall well-being.

Scalp Micropigmentation: Get Rid of Visible Scalp Problems

While scalp massages offer potential benefits for overall scalp health and may contribute to hair growth in some cases, the results are not guaranteed. For individuals seeking a more definitive solution to address visible scalp concerns like thinning hair, a receding hairline, or scars, scalp micropigmentation (SMP) may be a better alternative.

SMP is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that creates the illusion of a thicker hairline, denser scalp, or even a buzz cut using tiny dots of pigment deposited into the scalp. Get help from an Arizona scalp artist.

Arizona SMP experts at DermiMatch Clinic have a track record of transforming client’s hair loss experience by helping them get back their confidence with scalp micropigmentation.

scalp micropigmentation

Does Indian Gooseberry for Hair Growth Work?

Indian gooseberry, also known as amla, has been an Ayurvedic medicine for hair growth for centuries. It holds potential as a natural hair growth remedy, but its effectiveness remains under scientific investigation.

It boasts a rich Vitamin C profile, which has helped Amla earn the tag of a hair growth superfood. Besides, its potential for improved circulation along with antioxidant properties contributes to hair health. However, more robust research can help investigate the role of Indian gooseberry for hair growth.

Benefits of Indian Gooseberry for Hair Growth

Rich in Vitamin C

Amla is a potent source of Vitamin C, a well-known antioxidant that promotes collagen production. Now what is collagen and how does it help hair growth?

Well, collagen is a protein essential for building and maintaining healthy hair follicles. Stronger follicles may contribute to thicker and healthier hair growth

Improves Scalp Circulation

Some studies suggest amla may improve blood circulation, potentially delivering more nutrients to the scalp and hair follicles. This could contribute to hair growth and overall hair health.

Antioxidant and Antibacterial Properties

Amla’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties might help fight free radical damage and scalp issues like dandruff. Besides, it might play a role in keeping the scalp clean and healthy.

What does science say?

All studies are preliminary and don’t directly investigate amla’s impact on human hair growth. More robust clinical trials are needed to confirm these potential benefits. Just like natural remedies for hair growth, indian gooseberry is also touted to be a health superstar. But scientific research alone can validate this fact.

Form and Use Matter

Amla can be consumed as a fruit, used in oil form topically, or applied as a hair mask. The effectiveness of each method for hair growth likely varies, and research is lacking in this area.

Individual Results

As with any natural remedy, individual experiences with amla for hair growth can vary depending on factors like hair type, scalp condition, genetics, and overall health.

Indian gooseberry for hair growth shows promise based on its nutritional profile and potential benefits for scalp circulation and free radical damage. However, more research is required to definitively establish its effectiveness for hair growth.

What’s the Solution?

For those experiencing significant hair loss, alternative solutions might be more effective. Scalp micropigmentation (SMP), for example, offers hope to conceal the signs of hair loss.

The non-surgical cosmetic procedure creates the illusion of a thicker hairline or a fuller scalp. SMP specialists use special needles to deposit ink into the scalp, with the goal to mimic the look of hair follicles. 

While Indian gooseberry may or may not work to hide the signs of hair loss, SMP offers a more predictable and permanent solution to the problem. While it doesn’t involve actual hair growth, SMP creates a realistic and low-maintenance aesthetic improvement for those struggling with baldness or thinning hair. It’s important to consult with a qualified and experienced SMP practitioner to discuss suitability and desired outcomes.

The best Arizona SMP brains and hands are available for consultation at DermiMatch Clinic. if you are seriously seeking scalp micropigmentation for hair loss or thinning hair, scalp experts in Arizona can help. With decades of experience in SMP, DermiMatch Clinic practitioners have helped transform client’s hair restoration journey.

Get in touch today to take the first step forward.

scalp micropigmentation

Protein and Hair Growth Connection

Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin. This naturally leads to the assumption that increasing protein intake can promote hair growth. While there’s some truth to this, the relationship between protein and hair growth is more nuanced than a simple cause-and-effect scenario. Let’s explore whether protein for hair can help the growth of your locks.

The Protein and Hair Growth Relationship

Studies have shown a clear link between severe protein deficiency and hair loss. Hair follicles require protein for growth and repair, and a lack of it can hinder hair health. This exposes you to a risk of hair thinning and increased shedding.

Does that mean you should increase your protein intake?

Well, exceeding the recommended daily protein intake has not been proven to stimulate hair growth in people without protein deficiency.

Keratin Composition

Hair is primarily composed of a protein called keratin. Keratinocytes are cells in the hair follicle, which are responsible for synthesizing keratin. These cells require a steady supply of amino acids, the building blocks of protein, to function optimally.

Essential Amino Acids

Not all protein sources are created equal. Hair follicles require a specific set of amino acids, known as essential amino acids, for optimal keratin synthesis. These amino acids cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained through diet.

Animal vs. Plant Sources

Animal-based protein sources like meat, poultry, and eggs are considered complete proteins, meaning they contain all nine essential amino acids.

On the other hand, plant-based protein sources like legumes, nuts, and seeds can be beneficial, but careful selection is necessary to ensure a complete amino acid profile. It’s always better to combine different plant-based sources to achieve this.

That’s where you can emphasize the relationship between protein and hair growth.

Additional Factors for Hair Health

Biotin and Other Nutrients

Biotin, a B vitamin, plays a role in keratin production. Deficiencies can lead to hair loss. Additionally, ensuring adequate intake of iron, zinc, and other essential vitamins and minerals is crucial for overall hair health.

Hormonal Imbalances

Hormonal fluctuations can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to hair loss. Underlying health conditions or medications may contribute to hair loss. Addressing these factors is essential for promoting healthy hair growth.

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Solution for Hair Loss

While ensuring adequate protein intake from high-quality sources is crucial for health, other factors like vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormonal imbalances, and genetics can influence hair growth.

For individuals experiencing significant hair loss, scalp micropigmentation can offer a reliable and effective solution.

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-surgical procedure that utilizes cosmetic tattooing techniques to create the appearance of tiny hair follicles on the scalp. This results in a natural-looking shaved head effect, effectively concealing hair loss and boosting confidence. Unlike protein intake, SMP offers a more direct and permanent solution for those struggling with hair loss.

Protein is an essential nutrient for overall health, and ensuring adequate intake supports healthy hair growth. However, it’s not a guaranteed solution for hair loss, especially for individuals experiencing significant hair loss. In such cases, scalp micropigmentation provides a viable alternative for achieving a natural-looking, fuller head of hair.

Protein and hair growth connection is real but protein intake helps only if the cause of your problem is nutritional deficiency. SMP can certainly be a solution.

Consult with the best Arizona SMP practitioners at DermiMatch Clinic. They are the leading names in scalp micropigmentation and have helped thousands of clients with their hair loss woes.

scalp micropigmentation

The Reality of DIY Hair Masks for Hair Growth

While the market overflows with hair care products, there’s a persistent interest in DIY hair masks and treatments. Are they worth trying? Do hair masks for hair growth work?

Hair masks are usually made of natural ingredients that are a welcome alternative to commercially produced products with potentially harsh chemicals.

Popular DIY Hair Masks


Rich in vitamins and healthy fats, avocado offers deep hydration and nourishment, leaving hair soft and manageable.

Aloe Vera

This natural ingredient soothes irritation and dryness on the scalp while promoting healthy hair growth.


 A humectant, honey attracts and retains moisture, leaving hair soft and manageable.


Packed with potassium and vitamins, bananas can help add volume and shine to hair.


Eggs are a natural source of protein, which strengthens hair follicles and promotes healthy hair growth.

Hair Masks for Hair Growth: A Reality Check

Hair masks have become a popular DIY and commercial hair care trend, often touted for their ability to promote hair growth. But what’s the reality? Well, there are certainly some benefits.

Hydration and Nourishment

Many masks contain hydrating ingredients that moisturize and nourish dry, brittle hair. This can lead to improved manageability, shine, and reduced breakage.

Scalp Soothing and hair strengthening

Masks with ingredients like aloe vera can soothe a dry or irritated scalp, creating a healthier environment for hair growth.

Some masks contain protein, like eggs, which can help strengthen hair strands, reducing breakage and promoting a fuller appearance.

While hair masks can contribute to overall hair health, it’s important to understand that masks work on the hair shaft and do not penetrate the follicle. No doubt, they can support indirect growth, hair masks for hair growth may not be a viable solution to hair loss induced by medical conditions, treatment, deficiency, or stress.

Besides, the effectiveness of hair masks varies across individuals, depending on hair type, scalp condition, and ingredients used.

Alternative Solutions for Hair Growth

Diet and Nutrition

Ensuring adequate intake of protein, iron, biotin, and other essential nutrients can support healthy hair growth.

Scalp Micropigmentation

For individuals with significant hair loss, SMP offers a non-surgical solution that creates the appearance of a shaved head with tiny hair follicles.

However, for individuals experiencing significant hair loss, hair masks for hair growth may not be sufficient. In such cases, scalp micropigmentation emerges as a viable alternative. SMP utilizes cosmetic tattooing techniques to create the appearance of tiny hair follicles on the scalp. This results in a natural-looking shaved head effect, effectively concealing hair loss and boosting confidence.

Unlike DIY masks, SMP offers a more permanent and low-maintenance solution for those struggling with hair loss. Consider exploring both options to determine which approach best suits your hair care needs and goals.

Getting the best SMP is possible at DermiMatch Clinic, where you can find top scalp practitioners in Arizona. Scheduling a consultation is the best step to getting in touch with leading Arizona SMP artists. Do it now and see how you can transform your hair loss experience into something natural and fulfilling with scalp micropigmentation.

scalp micropigmentation

Unveiling the Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss, a gradual thinning or complete baldness, affects both men and women worldwide.  Hair shedding is a common condition, but certain factors can contribute to excessive hair loss.  Understanding the causes of hair loss is crucial to address the problem effectively.

Common Causes of Hair Loss

Male/Female Pattern Baldness

The condition affects both genders. Male pattern baldness typically presents with a receding hairline and thinning crown. In contrast, female pattern baldness usually results in widespread thinning across the scalp.

Telogen Effluvium

Stressful events, illness, hormonal fluctuations, and nutritional deficiencies can cause hair to enter resting stage prematurely. This condition is known as telogen effluvium.

Alopecia Areata

An autoimmune disorder where the immune system launches an attack on follicles, causing patchy hair loss on the scalp, beard, or other body areas.

Traction Alopecia

This type of hair loss occurs due to excessive tension or pulling on the hair, often a consequence of tight hairstyles like braids, cornrows, or ponytails.

Lesser-Known Causes of Hair Loss

While the factors mentioned above are well-recognized, hair loss can also be triggered by less commonly understood causes, including medical conditions:


Both types of thyroid disorder, including hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, can cause hair loss. Thyroid hormones regulates hair growth, but when there is an imbalance of hormones, the process is disrupted.

Iron Deficiency Anemia

This often-overlooked condition can lead to thinning hair and excessive shedding. Iron is essential for healthy growth of hair, and a deficiency can impair the hair growth cycle.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

This hormonal disorder affecting women can cause hair loss due to an imbalance of male hormones. The excess androgens can lead to male pattern baldness in women.


Certain medications, including those used for cancer treatment, arthritis, depression, and heart problems, can disturb the hair growth cycle. As a result, this may cause hair loss as a potential side effect.

Dietary Deficiencies

Inadequate intake of essential nutrients like protein, iron, zinc, and vitamins B, C, and D can impair hair growth and contribute to hair loss.

Scalp Conditions

Certain scalp conditions like seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, and fungal infections can lead to hair loss by damaging or inflaming the hair follicles.

Addressing Hair Loss Effectively With Scalp Micropigmentation

While traditional treatments like medications and surgery offer effective solutions, they may not be suitable for everyone. For those seeking a non-surgical and low-maintenance alternative, Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is a compelling option. This innovative technique utilizes cosmetic tattooing to create the illusion of tiny hair follicles on the scalp.

Skilled SMP artists can create a realistic hairline and add density to thinning areas. Unlike surgery, SMP is a non-invasive procedure that requires no anesthesia.

What’s more, it requires minimal upkeep compared to daily medication routines for hair transplants.

Last but not the least, SMP can effectively address hair loss concerns for men and women of all ages and hair types. This is irrespective of your causes of hair loss.

Get SMP treatment at the best scalp micropigmentation clinic in Arizona. DermiMatch Clinic is proud of its hardworking and experienced SMP technicians, who have been delivering realistic results for clients experiencing hair loss.

Schedule your consultation now.

scalp micropigmentation

Unveiling the Signs of Baldness

Baldness, or hair loss, is a prevalent condition affecting millions globally, impacting both men and women. While some shedding is natural (around 50-100 hairs daily), excessive hair loss can signal the onset of baldness. Recognizing the early signs empowers you to explore treatment options and potentially slow down the process.

This article delves into the various signs of baldness in men and women, equipping you with the knowledge to address hair loss concerns proactively.

Unveiling the Signs of Baldness

Hair loss manifests differently for men and women. Here’s a breakdown of the telltale signs for each:


Receding Hairline: This is often the most noticeable sign. The hairline starts to move back in an “M” shape. It becomes prominent around the person’s temples. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there and gradually recede over time.

Thinning on Top: Hair becomes progressively finer and sparser on the crown, eventually leading to a bald spot.

Widening Part: Your natural hair part may become significantly wider, revealing more scalp.

Circular Patch: Occasionally, a circular patch of baldness appears on the scalp, medically known as Alopecia Areata.


Diffuse Thinning: Hair loss tends to be more generalized across the entire scalp, rather than in specific areas. Hair density decreases overall, making the scalp more visible.

Widening Part: Similar to men, women can experience a widening part line as hair density diminishes.

Receding Hairline: While less frequent in women compared with men, some women may also experience a slight recession of the hairline at the temples.

Reduced Ponytail Bulk: A noticeable reduction in the volume and thickness of your ponytail can be a sign of hair loss.

Baldness Signs Common to Both

Excessive Shedding: Finding large clumps of hair on your brush or in the shower drain can be a significant indicator of hair loss.

Slowing Hair Growth: The typical hair growth cycle can be disrupted, leading to hair taking longer to reach its full length.

Increased Scalp Visibility: As hair density decreases, more scalp becomes apparent, especially under bright light.

Beyond the Signs: What Might Be Causing Hair Loss?

Understanding the potential causes of hair loss can be helpful. From genetics to hormonal changes, pregnancy, menopause, childbirth, medical disorders, stress, and diet can all contribute to hair loss. Besides, hair care practices may be blamed for hair loss in some cases.

Addressing Hair Loss: Exploring Solutions

If you’re experiencing signs of baldness, it’s crucial to consult a hair loss specialist for diagnosis. Depending on the cause and severity of hair loss, various treatments may be recommended, including:

Hair Transplant: It is a surgical procedure for hair loss. It involves the transplantation of healthy follicles from one part to the balding spots.

Platelet-Rich Plasma: This treatment uses concentrated platelets from the patient’s blood and injects into the area with thinning hair or bald patches to stimulate the growth of hair.

Medications: There are certain hair growth medications that have got the FDA nod for use on humans. The most popular medications include Minoxidil and Finasteride.

Scalp Micropigmentation: A Modern Approach to Hair Loss

For those seeking a non-surgical solution, Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) has emerged as a popular option. This innovative technique utilizes cosmetic tattooing to create the appearance of tiny hair follicles on the scalp. SMP offers several advantages:

Non-invasive and Painless: Since no surgery or anesthesia is involved during the treatment, SMP is a painless procedure and perfect for those looking for a non-surgical option.

Realistic Results: Skilled SMP artists can create a natural-looking hairline and add density to thinning areas.

Low Maintenance: Unlike hair transplants, SMP requires minimal upkeep.

Suitable for Men and Women: This technique can effectively address hair loss concerns for both genders.

Whether you’re experiencing the first signs of baldness or have already reached a more advanced stage, there are solutions available. By recognizing the signs, exploring treatment options, and considering non-surgical alternatives like SMP, you can reclaim your confidence and embrace a head of hair that complements your unique style.

If you are interested in a non-surgical permanent solution, then SMP can be an impressive option. Choose the best hands for your scalp job in Arizona.

DermiMatch Clinic is proud of its team of Arizona SMP professionals who have helped several clients overcome the fear of baldness with SMP.

Schedule your consultation now.

scalp micropigmentation

Hair Loss and Health: Is There A Connection?

Hair loss, medically known as alopecia, is a common concern for both men and women. While it doesn’t always signify a serious health problem, it can be a cause for anxiety and a potential indicator of underlying conditions. Let’s explore the connection between hair loss and health.

What Does Science Say About Hair Loss and Health?

The Hair Growth Cycle

Hair follicles go through a well-defined growth cycle. It consists of growth phase lasting 2-7 years, transition phase lasting a few weeks, and resting phase lasting 3 months.

Androgenetic alopecia, the most common form of hair loss in men and women, is characterized by a disruption in this cycle. This often results in a shorter anagen phase and miniaturization of hair follicles. As a result, there is hair thinning.

Hormonal changes

Androgenetic alopecia is triggered by dihydrotestosterone, commonly known as DHT, which is a derivative of testosterone. DHT shrinks hair follicles, shortening the anagen phase and promoting miniaturization.

That is why hair loss usually progresses with age. As testosterone levels decline, DHT sensitivity in hair follicles may increase. Estrogen, another key sex hormone, also plays a role. A decrease in estrogen levels after pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause can contribute to hair loss in some women.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Hair follicles are metabolically active structures requiring a constant supply of nutrients for healthy growth.

Deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, vitamin B12, and certain essential proteins can disrupt the hair growth cycle and lead to hair loss. Studies have shown a correlation between low ferritin levels and hair loss, particularly in women.

So your diet cantrigger hair loss.

Medical Conditions

Certain medical conditions like thyroid, autoimmune diseases, and scalp infections can cause hair thinning and loss. Medications used to treat various health problems, such as chemotherapy drugs and blood thinners, can also induce hair loss.

What’s the Solution to Hair Loss and Health Problems?

While diagnosing and treating the underlying cause of hair loss is the ideal approach, there are options for those seeking a cosmetic solution. In some cases, hair loss is untreatable. For some others, hair regrowth takes a long time.

If you cannot wait for months or years for your hair to regrow, try out scalp micropigmentation.

The non-surgical cosmetic procedure creates the illusion of a shaved head or adds density to thinning hair.

A scalp practitioner in Arizona uses their skills to deposit tiny pigments into the scalp dermis, recreating the appearance of short hair follicles.

Is SMP beneficial for people suffering from hair loss and health connection?

Well, scalp micropigmentation offers a number of advantages. Being a non-invasive and painless procedure, SMP is associated with minimal discomfort.

What’s more, skilled practitioners can achieve a realistic and undetectable hair density that complements the individual’s features. Once healed, SMP requires minimal upkeep and offers a long-lasting solution for hair loss.

For those experiencing hair loss, understanding the science behind it and exploring options like SMP can empower them to make informed decisions about managing their condition and enhancing their self-confidence.

So whether or not hair loss and health are interlinked in your case, SMP is an alternative hair restoration procedure that you can bank on.

Find top Arizona SMP practitioners at DermiMatch Clinic and schedule a consultation today.

scalp micropigmentation

Are Hair Extensions for Hair Loss A Good Option?

Hair extensions may seem like a dream come true for those wanting long, luscious locks, but there’s a hidden side to this beauty trend. The darker aspects of hair extensions include potential unethical sourcing, hair quality issues, scalp damage, costly maintenance, and unrealistic beauty standards.

Hair Quality

Extensions can be made from real human hair, synthetic fibers, or a blend. Real hair is expensive and requires special care to prevent damage and matting. Synthetic extensions may look less natural and can tangle easily.

Scalp Damage

The application process, especially methods involving braiding or bonding, can put stress on the scalp leading to irritation, traction alopecia, and potential infections if not done properly by trained professionals.

Costly Maintenance

Hair extensions require significant upkeep like regular brushing, detangling, and cleansing to prevent matting and maintain scalp health. Depending on the method, reattachment or adjustments may be needed every few weeks, adding to ongoing costs on top of the initial high price tag.

Unrealistic Expectations

While extensions can add length and volume, it’s important to have realistic expectations as they won’t transform hair beyond its natural texture and density limits. 

Additionally, the production of synthetic extensions contributes to non-biodegradable waste and environmental pollution. And the widespread use of extensions can perpetuate unrealistic beauty standards, leading to body image and self-esteem issues.

Before committing to hair extensions, it’s wise to explore alternatives, such as scalp micropigmentation.

Why Consider Alternatives to Hair Extensions For Hair Loss?

Hair extensions can be a helpful tool for concealing hair loss, but there are some things to consider. They come in various types, like clip-in or bonded extensions, which offer more volume or length. However, they might not be suitable for all hair loss types or completely bald areas on the scalp.

Strain on existing hair

Extensions can put stress on your already thinning hair, potentially causing breakage and worsening hair loss.


Hair extensions require regular maintenance, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) can be a better alternative for hair loss for a few reasons:

How Can SMP Help?

SMP is a non-surgical treatment that deposits pigment into the scalp, creating the illusion of a shaved head with tiny hair follicles. It avoids the stress extensions put on your hair. Once applied, SMP requires minimal upkeep compared to extensions. It is suitable for various hair loss patterns and can camouflage different types of hair loss, from thinning hair to completely bald areas.

While both options address hair loss, SMP offers a more permanent and potentially less damaging solution.

When done by a skilled professional, SMP can mimic real shaved hair follicles with incredible realism. This creates a natural-looking hairline or adds density to thinning hair, boosting your confidence.

SMP’s ability to create a fuller head of hair can dramatically improve your confidence and overall well-being.

Unlike hair extensions that require time for application and blending, SMP delivers visible results within a single session, with most requiring only 2-4 sessions for a complete look.

Unlike hair transplant surgery, SMP is a non-invasive procedure that uses topical numbing agents to minimize discomfort. There’s no cutting or downtime involved, allowing you to resume normal activities quickly. While the initial cost might seem comparable to extensions, SMP is a semi-permanent solution that requires minimal touch-ups every few years, making it a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Finding the Best SMP Artist in Arizona

SMP can be used to conceal various hair loss types, including alopecia, receding hairlines, and even scarring from injuries or previous hair transplants.

However, it is crucial to consult with a skilled scalp practitioner for the job. Only an experienced SMP professional can create the results you desire. DermiMatch Clinic boasts a team of skilled professionals with experience in scalp micropigmentation.

scalp micropigmentation

Is Hair Loss in Middle Age A Reality?

Hair loss in middle age is a disturbing sight for everyone. Although hair loss is a natural process, various factors contribute to loss of hair, including genetics, hormones, illness, and aging. There are several medical conditions that affect hair health. This includes:

Androgenetic Alopecia Hair Loss in Middle Age

This is the most common form of hair loss that affects both men and women. It is an interplay of genetic predisposition and hormones. A study in the American Journal of Human Genetics identified specific genetic variants linked to higher androgenetic alopecia risk.

The Hormonal imbalance

Middle age brings hormonal changes for both genders, contributing to hair loss. In the case of men, decreasing testosterone levels can cause reduced hair growth and increased shedding.

 Hormonal fluctuations during menopause can trigger hair thinning and shedding in women. 

A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology found women with higher estrogen levels during menopause were less likely to experience hair loss. 

Aging and Hair Loss in Middle Age

Hair follicles shrink with age. As a result, the growth cycle shortens, resulting in gradual loss of hair. 

A study in the British Journal of Dermatology observed hair growth rate decline by roughly 10% per decade after 30. Additionally, pigment-producing cells of hair follicles become less active, resulting in graying or whitening hair.

The hair growth phase shortens with age, while the resting phase lengthens. This means less hair is actively growing at any given time, contributing to overall hair thinning.

Hair follicles also contain melanocytes, pigment-producing cells. As we age, these melanocytes become less active, resulting in the gradual loss of hair color and the emergence of gray or white hair. A study in the British Journal of Dermatology observed a hair growth rate decline of roughly 10% per decade after 30, highlighting this age-related decline.

Nutritional Deficiencies and Hair Loss in Middle Age

Deficiencies in certain nutrients, particularly iron, zinc, and protein, can contribute to hair loss or thinning. A study in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology linked iron deficiency anemia to a higher risk of hair loss in both men and women.

Stress and Lifestyle

Chronic stress can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle, leading to excessive shedding and thinning. 

A study in the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology found individuals with high stress levels were more likely to experience hair loss.

Other lifestyle factors like smoking, poor diet, and certain medications can also cause hair loss in middle age.

The Role of Dihydrotestosterone

Testosterone, the primary male sex hormone, can be converted into DHT by the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. DHT shrinks hair follicles, shortening the growth phase and leading to thinner, finer hairs. In men, this manifests as a receding hairline and balding at the crown. In women, it typically presents as diffuse thinning across the scalp.

How SMP Can Help Hair Loss in Middle Age?

Scalp micropigmentation is a cosmetic solution. It utilizes tiny pigment deposits to create the illusion of a shaved head or add density to thinning areas. This can be particularly appealing for those experiencing age-related hair loss who desire a more confident and youthful appearance. While SMP doesn’t address the underlying cause of hair loss, it offers a non-surgical and low-maintenance way to achieve a fuller head of hair.

Find the best hands for your scalp micropigmentation job in Arizona at DermiMatch Clinic. Schedule a consultation now.