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Does SMP Look Good in Real Life?

scalp micropigmentation smp look

Many people with hair loss, baldness, or thinning hair are unhappy with their scalp problems. They often look for a permanent solution to their hair loss woes. But most hair loss treatments are not effective enough to be a lasting solution to the problem. Luckily, scalp micropigmentation is. But many people wonder if SMP looks fake. Well, SMP is a procedure that involves concealing all types of hair loss, from thinning hair, receding hairline, baldness, and alopecia areata. Depending on the skills and experience of the scalp artist, the procedure produces natural-looking results.

How Does SMP Look?

The procedure involves the use of a fine needle to make tiny dots for applying a scalp tattoo. The goal is to create the look of short-cut hair or a “buzz cut,” also known as a stubble effect. SMP creates the appearance of a fuller head of hair that mimics dense growth beneath thinning hair. However, the most skilled SMP practitioner believes in creating a look that does not attract unwanted attention to the scalp. That means they aim to keep the scalp looking realistic and natural.

Professional scalp artists alone can ensure that SMP is done correctly.

Does Scalp Micropigmentation Look Fake?

Well, SMP look may not appear realistic when done incorrectly. What is incorrect SMP? Ideally, SMP must be performed by a trained scalp practitioner. But some people may fall into the trap of cheap tattoo artists who claim to perform scalp micropigmentation. Unfortunately, they do not know how to as SMP is different from body art and also uses a different set of tools. When the right scalp practitioner performs the procedure, it looks natural and effectively hides all scalp flaws, including hair transplant scars.

SMP has helped many men and women with hair loss woes regain their confidence to get rocking in public without the fear of looking bald.

Does SMP Look Real?

The best scalp artist will create a natural-looking hairline, filling in all the thinning gaps. They will focus on covering a receding hairline to create the appearance of dense hair with SMP pigment.

They draw out the hairline and focus on filling in the balding patches so that the appearance is natural. The best thing about SMP is that unless you reveal the secret of having done scalp micropigmentation, people cannot even notice. Though they can make out that you look younger than ever with that darker hairline, they cannot find the reality on their own.

Once the SMP results look realistic after treatment, clients no longer feel the need the hide their scalp flaws under hats, wigs, hair systems, or funny hairstyles. SMP gives them the confidence to feel confident about their looks again.

Phoenix SMP professionals at DermiMatch have undergone specialist training and experience before taking it up as a career. They are skilled in scalp micropigmentation to achieve a realistic look. The best SMP Phoenix technicians can help you resolve your hair loss problems with their skills and expertise. Get in touch with them today and take a step toward uncovering a new look. Are you ready?
