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scalp micropigmentation

Type of Food for Hair Growth

You are depressed at the sight of frequent hair loss, right? But you are unsure how to go about preventing excessive hair shedding. You have tried many hair growth tips and tricks too but nothing has worked. Let’s discuss what food for hair growth can stem hair loss and boost the growth of hair. For those looking for something else to hide those imperfections, flaws, and bald patches on your scalp, SMP scalp micropigmentation in Arizona might do the trick.

Food for Hair Growth

Protein: Best hair growth food

Protein is one of the best foods for hair growth. Including more sources of protein in your diet can help nourish your roots and boost hair health. Poor nutrition might play a villain in your hair care regime. Good protein foods may include natural sources of protein, such as nuts, legumes, lentils, soy, fatty fish, and egg, among others.

Fats: Essential food for hair growth

Do not deprive your body of good fat. That might result in poor hair growth or excessive hair shedding. Healthy fats strengthen and nourish roots. This is one food for hair growth that you want to include in your hair care dietary regime. Avocados top the list of healthy fats, and so does coconut oil, almonds, and other powerhouses of good monounsaturated fats.

Probiotics: Good bacteria for hair health

Apart from fat and protein, your body needs a constant supply of nutrients from fermented foods. Probiotics are the powerhouses of nutrition and the best food for hair growth. Gut health can affect different functions of the body. Beneficial bacteria aid in digestion and boost brain and immune health. The bad bacteria in your body are happy to feed on refined sugars and carbs and highly processed foods and alcohol, resulting in an influx of these bad guys in your gut.

Good bacteria are responsible for breaking down food and producing micronutrients for the body to use. During this process, Vitamin b12, b3, K, and folic acid as well as biotin are released, which support hair health and growth. On the other hand, a poor gut is crowded with bad bacteria, which means vital nutrients are not broken down. That means your body cannot process nutrients and they are just lost in the biochemical processes, resulting in poor health. This affects hair health too.

When the gut is healthy, it can provide a healthy environment for different microorganisms to assist various processes in the body. Good gut health is known to play a vital role in the growth of hair in post-menopausal women.

The SMP Solution

But natural ways of hair growth take time to show results. It may seem like ages when you seek a fast and effective solution for hair loss. You cannot expect overnight results when you include the best food for hair growth. If you are seriously looking for a hair restoration solution that produces quick results, then SMP scalp micropigmentation in Arizona can help.

Get in touch with DermiMatch for the best experience in SMP in Phoenix, Arizona. The #1 Phoenix scalp artist is waiting to help. Connect with scalp experts today and get back your self-confidence.

scalp micropigmentation

Does Biotin for Hair Loss Work

Hair loss is one sight that everyone hates. You, too, are not an exception either. Now you might be wondering if there is a solution to hair loss. Of course, you have heard a lot about biotin for hair loss. What is it? How does it help? Let’s explore if biotin is the solution for hair restoration and how SMP scalp micropigmentation in Arizona might help your cause.

What is Biotin for hair loss treatment?

Biotin or Vitamin H is known to help with hair growth. It is also believed to contribute to the health of skin and nails too. Vitamin H is a water-soluble vitamin that belongs to B-vitamin family. The body converts certain nutrients into energy with the help of biotin. Hair loss might be a result of a lack of biotin in the diet. You may experience a scaly red rash if you are deficient in biotin, though deficiency is rare as a normal diet has a sufficient amount of vitamin H.

Biotin plays a role in improving the keratin infrastructure that strengthens hair roots and boosts skin health. It might help with hair thinning and shedding. There is not too much evidence to suggest how increasing biotin supplementation might promote hair growth. Research is still underway to explore biotin for hair loss benefits.

Egg yolks, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, bananas, legumes, cauliflower, and whole grains are food sources of biotin.

Biotin may have adverse effects on some people, which may include nausea, cramping, and diarrhea. The research into biotin is still growing, but scientists have found that some patients experience cramping, nausea, and diarrhea after incorporating biotin into their routines.

The DermiMatch Solution to Hair Loss

It’s permanent and does not have any side effects. Yes, we are talking about SMP in Phoenix, Az. If you are experiencing hair loss, thinning, shedding, or a receding hairline, we understand it’s tough for you to overcome the situation. No doubt, you should focus on a healthy nutritious balanced diet to nourish your body for overall wellbeing and proper development. Hair loss is one area that might need something extra to stem. But when that does not happen, you can look up to scalp micropigmentation.

SMP offers a permanent solution for hair restoration for men and women suffering from hair loss, alopecia, pattern baldness. The procedure is non-invasive and can hide scars, thinning hair and receding hairline. It can give you a buzzed-cut look that can help restore your self-confidence and self-esteem. With scalp micropigmentation, you can add density to a thinning or receding hairline.

You can trust our scalp artists to do the job of scalp micropigmentation on your scalp. We pride ourselves on our SMP scalp micropigmentation in Arizona expertise and can help determine what will work best for you. Get in touch with us for a consultation today. What’s stopping you from getting a new look that you have always desired with the guarantee of 100% satisfaction?

scalp micropigmentation

Do Statins Cause Hair Loss?

Is it right to say that statins cause hair loss? First, let’s see what statins are. A doctor prescribes blood-thinning medications or statin drugs for someone diagnosed with high cholesterol. These drugs block the action of an enzyme in the liver that produces cholesterol. No doubt, cholesterol is important for hormone production and the formation of new cells in the body. It might insulate nerves, but too much cholesterol can prove detrimental to health. It can block blood flow in arteries and risk causing a heart attack. Statin drugs prevent the build-up of excess cholesterol in arteries. Some statins might trigger hair loss. When you are on blood-thinning medication and losing hair, you might want to look for a hair restoration solution. Here, SMP scalp micropigmentation in Arizona might be a good idea.

How Do Statins Cause Hair Loss?

Cholesterol synthesizes steroid hormones, which in turn, contribute to the growth of hair. A research study demonstrates that those on atorvastatin or other statins experience hair loss while the therapy is ongoing and the hair loss is often reversed after they stop taking the blood-thinning medication. Unfortunately, hair loss returns when they resume drug therapy. People who are dependent on statins cannot stop taking the drug at any cost to reduce their cholesterol levels. for such people, hair restoration therapies offer hope.

However, many people do not want to bear the pain associated with a hair transplant surgery along with its side effects. For such people, scalp micropigmentation is a solution. Well-trained scalp experts can carefully pigment the scalp to recreate the look of real hair. SMP practitioners, who are experts in the niche, can give your scalp a realistic look, which is permanent. You can continue to reap the benefits of SMP scalp micropigmentation in Arizona for as long as you are happy with the looks. But if you get bored of carrying the same hair style for years, there is an option to reverse SMP.

How Does SMP Help Hair Restoration

Scalp micropigmentation is also known as a permanent hair concealer. It is a type of hair tattoo that conceals a receding hairline or patches of baldness caused due to excessive hair shedding from cholesterol drugs. Anybody on blood-thinning therapy and taking statins might experience hair loss and seek help for hair restoration. When you feel that statins cause hair loss, you may seek a solution that hides those flaws on your scalp.

Scalp micropigmentation experts are also skilled at covering unsightly scars on the scalp that might be left by an injury or hair transplant surgery. DermiMatch SMP experts are highly experienced in scar camouflage using scalp micropigmentation. The process involves injecting pigment into tiny dots with microneedles to create an illusion of density and thicker, fuller hair. The best artists know the art of camouflaging thinning areas.

A trained scalp practitioner has the skills needed to restore receded hairlines and create the impression of cropped hair. They are creative in blending the pigment into your existing hair, creating a seamless look that does not look fake.

The best thing about SMP scalp micropigmentation in Arizona is that it requires little to no maintenance. it is permanent and requires a few touch-ups every few years to restore the natural look. Additionally, you don’t have to follow any strict lifestyle or dietary restrictions after undergoing scalp micropigmentation.

Get in touch with the best scalp artist in Phoenix, Arizona, at DermiMatch. Now you don’t have to fret hair loss when taking cholesterol medication. Don’t wait for further hair loss for a new hairline.

scalp micropigmentation

SMP Scottsdale: Your Skin Matters 

If you’re doing research on Scalp Micropigmentation, you will see a host of positive reviews for different artists doing SMP Scottsdale. Each one will claim to give you great results too. 

However, not everyone will tell you that SMP results can vary from one client to another. This depends on your skin and the SMP artist’s expertise. Additionally, various conditions might affect the results, including your immune system, scalp, and skin type.

The SMP Scottsdale Challenges

Working on clients can be easy-breezy or extremely stressful for scalp artists. Unfortunately, the skin of some clients is not conducive to scalp micropigmentation for various reasons. True, it’s frustrating for both the artist and the client. 

It’s important to understand that artists need to adjust their technique as well as approach. However, it is equally important that they may need to adjust the needle size, speed, and even pigment to accommodate some difficult skin conditions. 

The Solution

What’s more important is that clients should focus on scalp aftercare.

Your SMP Scottsdale artist must be skilled and have tools in their kitty to fix, adjust, change, and improve results for some challenging situations. For example, some scalps might start bleeding, which pushes pigment out of the impression, leaving bare spots after healing. Some clients may have portions of scalp that don’t take pigment at all or feel like a force field. 

In worst cases, clients seeking hair loss solution end up in the wrong hands or hire the services of an inexperienced scalp artist. The lack of experience in scalp micopigmentation can ruin results. Some so-called SMP artists are actually tattoo artists, who treat SMP like a tattoo, which eventually leads to serious problems with the end result. Of course, the result is unhappy clients. The most common problem is discoloration. On the other hand, if a client looks for the most experienced SMP practitioner in Scottsdale, they can enjoy the results they dream of. The reason is that skilled scalp artists know how to deal with challenging situations facing clients.

Utilizing Complexion Correction is one of the best ways to tackle such challenges in your SMP Scottsdale journey and get through with great results for clients. 

If you are a scalp practitioner, explore the plethora of scalp products on dermimtach for the best SMP Scottsdale results.

scalp micropigmentation

Menopause and Hair Loss

Is there a connection between menopause and hair loss? Well, your hair is your best asset as a woman, but the sight of hair loss is never a pleasing one. In fact, hair shedding is quite common for menopausal women. Does that mean you have to live with hair thinning during menopause? Is there any solution to hair shedding? Can SMP for hair thinning work?

Menopause and Hair Loss in Women

Hair loss during menopause is often the result of hormonal imbalance or a reduction in estrogen and progesterone. Since these hormones are necessary for faster hair growth, any disturbance in their cycle can cause hair problems for women. When estrogen and progesterone are in full swing, a woman experiences the best hair growth. But as soon as the levels of these hormones fall during menopause, hair growth slows down. The result is hair shedding and hair thinning as follicles continue to shrink.

Physical and emotional stress is often blamed for pushing follicles into the resting phase. As a result, there could be a huge amount of hair loss. Many consider SMP for hair thinning as a permanent solution while some focus on medications that may or may not work. But before that let’s explore the reason for hair loss in menopause.

Hormonal Disturbance

Yes, there is a connection between menopause and hair loss. With a drop in the levels of estrogen and progesterone during menopause, male hormonal levels rise. This results in slower growth of hair. As follicles shrink, they result in weaker roots and loss of hair.  Hormonal imbalance also results in mood swings, hot flashes, sweating, among other symptoms. A doctor may prescribe medications that might rein in hair loss. But there is no guarantee of it.

Menopausal hair loss might also result from a genetic predisposition, nutritional deficiencies, and high levels of stress. Women should focus on living a healthy life with clean eating habits and an active lifestyle to reduce the risk of postmenopausal effects, weight gain, and mood swings, an active lifestyle is essential to maintaining hormonal balance.

While these healthy habits can help reduce the effects of menopause, they take a consistent approach. You ought to follow a healthy lifestyle religiously to derive maximum benefits and prevent hair loss.

The SMP for Hair Thinning Solution

Hair thinning in menopause is a common occurrence and a majority of women undergo the pain of hair loss. True, the sight of hair shedding affects women physically and disturbs them emotionally too.

While you can focus on a healthy dietary and activity regime, try looking for alternatives that could offer a permanent solution to the problem.

Scalp micropigmentation is surely one. SMP for hair thinning can not prevent hair loss, but it can hide those patches of lost hair or baldness. Women with thinning hair problems during menopause should trust the #1 scalp artist for the treatment. The most skilled SMP practitioner is aware of the emotional disturbance a woman undergoes during menopause and can help her restore her looks and self-esteem.

Connect with the top scalp artists in Phoenix today at DermiMatch and get set to change your life for the better. Are you ready?

scalp micropigmentation

Stem Cells and Hair Growth

What is the connection between stem cells and hair growth? Stem cell therapy is an innovative hair transplant procedure that reportedly encourages natural hair growth for long-lasting results. This therapy is effective in stemming hair loss. Stem cells are essential building blocks that heal and repair tissues.

Stem cells are versatile and can mature into any type of cell and divide an unlimited number of times. But stem cells therapy requires hair transplantation surgery. If you are afraid of going under the knife, trust your hair restoration job to SMP experts.

Stem Cells and Hair Transplants

The process involves extracting stem cells from the patient’s scalp using a punch biopsy. During the procedure, a stem cell expert removes a cylinder of tissue using a circular blade from the scalp. The sample goes to a centrifuge for the separation of stem cells. The doctor injects stem cells back into the scalp, where hair thinning or balding is a major concern. This might offer hope to people with hair loss, hair thinning problems.

Both men and women can benefit from stem cell hair therapy and experience better results in the form of hair thickness and density. Though stem cell hair restoration works best for people with some hair on the scalp. Those with a completely bald scalp are not the right candidates for stem cell transplant that can add density to thinning areas, regenerate hair follicles, add fullness to the hairline, address male and female pattern baldness, and achieve long-lasting results.

But FDA is yet to approve many stem cell replacement therapies. Additionally, there is a risk of side effects and a long recovery period associated with stem cell therapy.

The DermiMatch Advantage

If you seriously seek an effective solution for hair loss, then scalp micropigmentation might interest you. At DermiMatch, we are SMP experts. We have helped transform the lives of many clients upset at the sight of hair loss or a receding hairline. Additionally, these clients do not have the patience or confidence to wait for stem cell transplant.

Scalp micropigmentation is a non-invasive procedure that uses microneedles to insert pigment matching the hair and scalp of clients. Experts use the best scalp ink to match the scalp and recreate a realistic look.

SMP offers hope to people with hair loss, thinning, or baldness. Clients who undergo scalp micropigmentation feel more confident than before due to their restored hairline. But the best scalp micropigmentation procedure requires the right hands to work on your scalp. Avoid trusting inexperienced practitioners or beginners in the industry.

Trust scalp experts. The best person to do the scalp job is Garett Duell at DermiMatch. They have a decade-long experience in the industry. Get in touch for a consultation today instead of waiting for FDA approval for stem cell hair restoration.

scalp micropigmentation

SMP Needles: Do Tattoo Needles Work?

Inexperienced scalp artists often wonder if they can reuse tattoo needles for scalp micropigmentation or it is a good idea to go only with SMP needles. But there is a world of difference between tattoo needles and SMP needles. Microblading or tattoo needles are big enough than SMP needles and cannot create the right impression of follicles. If a scalp artist uses tattoo needles, it can cause all sorts of problems, from giving fake results to looking unnatural. What’s more, micropigmentation needles are smaller than a tattoo needle and do not have to go deeper into the scalp to create a natural shaved look. Only a trained and experienced SMP artist uses the best needles for scalp micropigmentation.

SMP Needles Vs Tattoo Needles

Skin is made up of three layers – outer or Epidermis, Dermis, and Hypodermis. When a scalp artist injects pigment into the skin, the purpose is to make an indelible marking that gets trapped underneath the Epidermis. There is a risk of the ink washing away if it is not implanted below the outer layer of the scalp.

SMP pigment is implanted into the Dermis layer whereas tattoo ink goes beyond the Dermis. Since SMP ink stays just below the upper layer, it is less likely to fade or lose shape as compared with tattoo ink that goes deeper into the skin and is likely to lose shape.  Top scalp artists understand the need for controlling the shape and size. Their focus is to create the look of follicles that replicate their size and shape.

SMP uses pigments that are organic and plant-based and won’t risk turning blue or get discolored. On the other hand, a tattoo artist is least concerned about the type of ink. They prefer non-organic ink.

Additionally, SMP uses specialized micro-needles. While tattoo needles are too thick, SMP needles are way too thin and are used to create the look of tiny follicles. There’s a lot of difference between the two types of ink and pigments.

Scalp micropigmentation ink may require touch-up after a few years. On the other hand, tattoo ink is permanent. SMP can go wrong if the pigment goes deeper than the dermis layer.

SMP cannot use tattoo or microblading needles, which are quite big and create the optical illusion of follicles.

Since SMP needles are smaller in size, they are apt for creating the look of naturally shaved hair.

SMP works in the following ways:

  • Creates underlying shading for areas with diffuse thinning
  • Hides patch baldness or alopecia
  • Conceals scars after surgery

The Most Common SMP Needle Size

Single needles come in 0.20, 0.25, and 0.35mm. These are less commonly used today. Triple needles come in all sizes, including 0.20mm, 0.25mm, 0.30mm, and 0.35mm. The smaller diameter of the needles allows them to penetrate the skin easily.

Scalp Tattoo Is Different

Both techniques use specialized ink to improve the appearance of a body part. A tattoo can cover scars or decorate a part of the body. Scalp micropigmentation is more than a cosmetic procedure. It can cover scars from injuries or hair transplant and is ideal for hair thinning, alopecia, and other hair loss problems.

DermiMatch scalp experts the best needles for scalp micropigmentation.

scalp micropigmentation

SMP Correction 

Not everyone has had a brilliant scalp micropigmentation experience, and then they seek SMP correction. Laser treatments are the first choice for correcting a bad procedure. But does laser work for everyone? Well, sometimes folks who have sustained bad SMP are not wanting to go through laser treatments. At DermiMatch, we always advocate that laser is the best and cleanest way to rid yourself of bad SMP; but not every client is willing or has the resource available to them. 

What is SMP Correction

Clients unhappy about various scalp and hair issues look for a corrective procedure. Correction Complexion is designed keeping such clients in mind. Some of the major scalp issues include SMP dots that look too big. The reason for dots appearing big is that the client did not choose the right scalp artist for the job in the first instance.

When clients do not do good research to find the right scalp artist, they end up in the hands of inexperienced tattoo artists or SMP practitioners who have not undergone training or have experience in the industry.

Unfortunately, this can result in a bad SMP procedure, which produces unsatisfactory results. Undoubtedly, the client is never happy about a wrong SMP either, which ruins their looks and self-esteem.

Luckily, the best SMP artists can correct these issues using Complexion Correction, which covers the top layer of the skin. That is the site where tattoo ink is injected. Scalp micropigmentation experts have the experience and knowledge along with the best tools and training to correct the client’s problem. Here, their goal is to save the client’s scalp and give them a new hairline that wows them instantly.

The DermiMatch Experience

DermiMatch has scalp experts like Garrett and Von, who have the experience to correct a bad SMP procedure. With access to the best resources and tools, including Correction Complexion, Garrett works tirelessly on clients who seek SMP correction. The best scalp artist in Arizona brings years of experience to the table to fix a bad SMP job. Although DermiMatch experts prefer laser treatments as a better option to fix a bad SMP, they are equally happy with Correction Complexion. This is true for clients who are not too keen to go under the knife or use laser treatment. 

So if you are not too happy with a previous scalp micropigmentation procedure, choose DermiMatch for SMP correction.

scalp micropigmentation

Hair Loss-Hair Color Link

There are different causes of hair loss. Hormonal imbalances, genetics, environmental factors, stress, health disorders, and certain cosmetic applications all combine to contribute to hair loss. Research blames hair color for hair loss in some individuals. Studies find that people with blonde hair are vulnerable to specific conditions due to low melanin production. As a result of melanin deficiency, you may be prone to hair fall. In such individuals, no hair restoration therapy can have permanent results. but SMP does offer some hope as it can camouflage bald spots or a receding hairline.

Ideally, the loss of hair in brunettes is in proportion to the number of strands on their scalp. The reason could be genetics or the effect of hair color interaction with the sun. That means someone born a natural brunette may be more prone to hair loss than other colors.

Do Hair Dyes Cause Hair Loss

Hair dyes can cause loss of hair by damaging the treated hair. Artificial hair dyes are composed of chemicals, such as ammonia, which can weaken the roots and contribute to hair fall. Although colors can’t reach the hair beneath the scalp, you may experience hair shedding if you opt for frequent coloring sessions.

Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which are common ingredients in hair dyes, can weaken hair shafts in the telogen phase, resulting in breakage. Peroxide removes pigment from the hair, resulting in discoloring. Besides, it strips protein from the hair, which weakens hair shafts. As a result, hair breakage starts at the scalp.

If you want to minimize damage to the hair, it is best to reduce the number of treatment sessions to once in six weeks. No doubt, this won’t solve the hair shedding or graying problem. But it has the potential to reduce the shedding of hair.

How SMP can Help?

Well, whether you are suffering from hair loss or thinning hair, scalp micropigmentation looks promising. The procedure is simple and requires a couple of sessions for the scalp artist to recreate the look of a fuller head of hair. If you are suffering from hair fall or pattern baldness, then you can trust the top scalp artist for the job.

Experienced SMP technicians are aware of the role of scalp micropigmentation in hiding flaws and patches on the scalp that spoil the look. A scalp artist knows how to work on different hair loss conditions through their knowledge and experience.

The SMP Experts

Trust scalp practitioners who believe in customer care and satisfaction. They know how to work on a scalp with thinning hair or pattern baldness or a receding hairline. Top SMP artists are experts in 3D scalp micropigmentation that uses the best scalp ink to recreate the look of natural follicles.

Regardless of your hair color, the best scalp artist understands how you feel about the loss of hair. Excessive hair shedding can affect your self-esteem. DermiMatch has perfected the art of scalp micropigmentation to give you the desired look of a full head of hair. You can seek hair restoration treatment for brunette, blonde, or redheads as the scalp artist knows how best to match the SMP pigment with the natural hair color. So what are you still waiting for?

Get in touch with DermiMatch today and take the first step toward the look you have always desired.

scalp micropigmentation

Seasonal Hair Fall Tips

Does weather change cause seasonal hair fall? Well, when seasons change, you are likely to suffer hair fall. Although seasonal hair loss is normal in hot weather and late fall, it might trigger the panic button to look at your hairbrush, which cries out that all is not well with your scalp. Extra shedding in different seasons hurts, but it should not be a cause for panic.

In fact, sometimes the hair shedding spree continues for a long time long after the weather change. If you are suffering from hair fall due to changing weather, then you are surely looking for ways to revive your hair growth. You might lose more hair with a change in weather. When things don’t work out in your favor, you might look for a permanent solution to hair loss. Scalp micropigmentation is one such hair restoration procedure that can come in handy. Let’s see how.

Why Does Sesaonal Hair Fall Occur?

Which weather change causes more hair fall? Well, hair shedding is primarily excessive in the hot rainy season and chilling winters. The cold season causes hair loss due to moisture loss in the scalp. Dry air sucks out moisture from the scalp, resulting in a dry scalp. This results in dry hair, which is prone to breakage and hair fall. Additionally, the use of a hairdryer could worsen the situation and cause more hair shedding than normal.

There are some home remedies to reduce the shedding of hair and seasonal hair fall.

Oil massage

Massage your scalp in the winter. This will moisturize your hair, strengthen the roots, provide nutrients to the scalp, and help rein in hair shedding.  It is extremely relaxing to massage your hair. This will further help with oxygen and blood flow to the site, helping stimulate.

Focus on nutrition

A nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals can do wonders to your hair. This can help nourish your scalp from within and make it strong enough to fight the winter blues. Your hair needs protein for healthy growth. Add more protein to your diet to supply the scalp with nutrients to strengthen roots and stem hair shedding.

Remain stress-free

Practice meditation and stress-relieving techniques to manage stress and anxiety, which are often responsible for sesaonal hair loss.

Use a hair mask

Focus on scalp hydration even during the cold season. An occasional hair mask might work wonders for your scalp, prevent drying, and give your hair the strength to control breakage. Doing these things can make your hair seem a little more voluminous and if you do not make this it will make your hair flat, dull and lifeless by default in the winter season.

Scalp micropigmentation

If none of the aforementioned hair regrowth tips works, then you might want to look for a permanent hair restoration solution. Scalp micropigmentation is one such technique to hide some imperfections on your scalp, such as bald patches, thinning hair, receding hairline, and scars. You might be surprised to see how the best SMP practitioner can help transform those imperfections into a look of a fuller head of hair.

Get professional scalp micropigmentation help today. Connect with DermiMatch for the best SMP solution for seasonal hair fall.