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scalp micropigmentation

Summer Hair Loss: Myth or Reality?

Shedding hair is a natural process, with most people losing around 50-100 strands daily. However, many people report noticing increased hair loss during the summer months. Is summer hair loss a reality? Let’s discuss it further.

While shedding is a normal, ongoing process and part of the hair growth cycle. New hairs then begin to grow in their place. On the other hand, hair loss occurs when follicles are disrupted or damaged, resulting in an increase in shedding and a decrease in overall hair density. There are a few factors responsible for hair loss, including:

Genetics: A type of hereditary hair loss, androgenetic alopecia is known as male or female pattern baldness.

Hormonal Changes: Fluctuations in hormones, such as those experienced during thyroid, menopause, pregnancy, and childbirth, are to be blamed for a disrupted hair growth cycle.

Stress: Chronic stress can negatively impact hair growth by pushing follicles into the resting phase prematurely.

Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions and medications can cause hair loss as a side effect.

Nutritional Deficiencies: Deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, or other essential nutrients can contribute to hair loss.

Weather changes: Seasonal factors could be responsible for hair loss. For example, summer hair loss is a reality due to increased exposure to the sun. Sun exposure causes sweating. Excessive sweating can clog follicles during hot days, making hair limp with noticeable shedding.

But increased summer hair loss does not translate to actual hair loss. It is a kind of temporary shedding.

Hair Shedding During Summer

Summer hair loss is the result of increased exposure to ultraviolet rays that can weaken hair and cause temporary hair loss through breakage. However, it’s not necessarily a case of hair follicles shutting down production entirely. Taking steps to protect your scalp and hair from the sun during summer can help minimize shedding and maintain healthy hair growth.

DNA Damage: UV radiation can damage the DNA of hair follicle cells, disrupting their growth cycle and potentially shortening the hair’s lifespan.

Scalp Inflammation: UV exposure can lead to inflammation in the scalp, creating an unhealthy environment for hair growth.

Hair Dryness and Breakage: UV rays can weaken the hair shaft, making hair more brittle and prone to breakage. This can lead to increased shedding during combing or brushing.

Summer Hair Loss Solution

For those experiencing hair loss, summer can be a time to shift your focus to scalp care. Scalp micropigmentation offers a revolutionary and summer-friendly solution. This non-surgical cosmetic procedure creates the illusion of thicker, fuller hair by depositing tiny pigments into the scalp.

If summer hair loss is a concern, scalp micropigmentation might be the solution you are looking for.  It can hide the scalp problem and give you a youthful appearance.

So, ditch the summer hair loss woes and explore the benefits of scalp micropigmentation for a worry-free summer season.

Get in touch with DermiMatch Clinic scalp experts now to see if SMP is the way forward for you. A consultation with Arizona SMP practitioners is certainly the right step in that direction. Schedule your consultation now.

scalp micropigmentation

Thinning Hair Tips: Regain Your Crowning Glory

Imagine waking up with a full head of hair again. Thinning hair is a common concern, affecting millions of men and women. But fretting over a receding hairline or a clogged shower drain doesn’t have to be your reality. There are options beyond despair.

Thinning Hair Tips for Hair Growth

Hair follicles, tiny pockets under the skin, are responsible for hair growth. Each follicle goes through a growth cycle – from the growth phase through transition to the resting phase and shedding. Excessive shedding may result in thinning hair. Here are a few tips to check your hair loss problem.

Fuel Your Body With Nutrients

Hair thrives on a balanced diet. Pack your diet with essential vitamins and minerals. Biotin, iron, zinc, and vitamins A, C, D, and E are crucial for hair health. Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein in your meals.

Stress Less

Chronic stress can wreak havoc on your hair, triggering hair loss. Practice relaxation techniques to relieve stress. Yoga, meditation, or deep breathing help manage stress and promote overall well-being.

Sleep is crucial

When you’re sleep-deprived, your body doesn’t function optimally, including hair growth. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night.

Scalp Care

Another thinning hair tip is to care for your scalp. Avoid harsh shampoos and styling products that can strip away natural oils and damage hair follicles.

Opt for gentle shampoos and conditioners suited for your hair type. Scalp massages can help improve circulation, bringing essential nutrients to follicles. When nutrients reach every part of the scalp, it can stimulate hair growth.

Medical Solutions for Thinning Hair

If lifestyle changes aren’t enough, there are medical treatments available. For example, Minoxidil is a topical medication that helps stimulate hair growth. Results can take time and may not be permanent.

Another hair loss medication, Finasteride is used for male pattern baldness. It blocks a hormone that contributes to hair loss.

Hair Restoration Procedures

For more permanent solutions, consider hair transplants. During a transplant, hair follicles are taken from a donor area on the scalp and surgically implanted in thinning areas. This can be a successful option, but it’s also an expensive and invasive procedure with risks.

Hair Thinning Tip That Works: Scalp Micropigmentation

SMP is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure. It creates the illusion of thicker, fuller hair by depositing tiny pigments into the scalp. This mimics the look of real hair follicles, resulting in a natural-looking hairline and denser-looking hair.

Immediate Results: Unlike medications or transplants that take time to show effects, SMP offers immediate results. You can walk out of the clinic with a visibly thicker head of hair.

Safe: No scalpels or needles are involved in SMP. It’s a safe and comfortable procedure with minimal downtime.

Natural-Looking Results: Skilled SMP artists create a customized design that blends seamlessly with your existing hair, achieving a realistic, undetectable look.

Low Maintenance: Unlike hair transplants, SMP requires minimal maintenance. You can go swimming, exercise, and style your hair as usual.

Long-Lasting Solution: While not permanent, SMP results can last for several years with occasional touch-up sessions.

So if you are looking for thinning hair tips, SMP seems like a better alternative. But always choose a skilled scalp practitioner for your scalp job. The Arizona SMP experts at DermiMatch Clinic have treated thousands of hair-thinning clients and are available for consultation.